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What Is An Multistage Dockerfile ?

Docker has revolutionized the world of software development and software deployment by simplifying the process of creating, distributing, and running applications within containers. This feature of Docker is very helpful for developers, so Among Docker’s sea of features, multistage Dockerfile stands out as a very powerful tool for optimizing the size and efficiency of container images Let’s get familiar with multistage Dockerfiles and add another tool to our journey with DevOps.

What is a multistage Dockerfile?

A multistage Dockerfile is a feature introduced in Docker to address the challenge of creating lean and efficient container images Traditionally, Docker images used to contain all the dependencies, libraries, and tools required to run an application, leading to bloated images that consume unnecessary disk space and hence increase the deployment times Now Multistage builds allow developers to build multiple intermediate images within a single Dockerfile, and each intermediate image serves a specific purpose in the build process.

How does it work?

In a multistage Dockerfile, developers define multiple build stages, each encapsulating a specific set of instructions and dependencies. These stages can be named and referenced within the Dockerfile, enabling seamless communication between them Basically, the first stage of creating a multistage Dockerfile is dedicated to building the application code, while subsequent stages focus on packaging the application and preparing it for runtime. Intermediate images that are generated in earlier stages are discarded just after their purpose is served, resulting in a final production image that contains only the essential components required to run the application.

Code of a Multistage Dockerfile

# Code template to get you started For Multistage Dockerfile
# Build stage with development tools
FROM python:3.9-slim-buster AS build


COPY requirements.txt ./
RUN pip install -r requirements.txt

COPY . .

CMD ["python", ""]

# Final stage with minimal image
FROM alpine AS prod

COPY --from=build /app /app


CMD ["gunicorn", "--bind", "", "app:app"]

Explanation of the Code

Necessary commands required for Multi-Stage Dockerfile in Python


Description about Command


FROM image:tag

Defines the base image for the current stage.


AS name

Assigns a name to the current stage.



Sets the working directory for subsequent commands.


COPY source destination

Copies files/directories from context/previous stage.


RUN command

Executes shell commands.


CMD [“command”, “arg1”, …]

Sets the default command for container start.


USER user

Sets the user account for container processes.



Specifies ports container listens on.



Defines environment variables accessible in container.


LABEL key=value

Adds metadata labels to the image.



Specifies source stage for copying files.


Benefits of Multistage Dockerfiles

Realtime-use case examples

Stream Processing and Analytics:

An Python application ingesting and analyzing data streams like tweets or stock prices in real-time To handle this efficiently, we require leverage multi-stage builds:

Chatbots and Conversational AI:

Have you ever thought of Building a Python-based chatbot that can interacts with users in real-time using just NLP libraries? Here’s how multi-stage builds can improve responsiveness:

Best Practices for Multistage Dockerfiles


Multistage Dockerfiles offer a streamlined approach to container image creation, reducing size, enhancing security, and improving build efficiency. By segmenting the build process into distinct stages and discarding unnecessary artifacts, developers can produce leaner images that accelerate deployment and minimize attack vectors. Adopting best practices and leveraging multistage builds empower organizations to optimize their containerized workflows, driving innovation and agility in software development and deployment pipelines. Embracing multistage Dockerfiles is essential for modernizing containerization practices and maximizing efficiency in the evolving landscape of container technologies.

What is an Multistage Dockerfile – FAQ’s

What is the main advantage of using a multistage Dockerfile?

The primary benefit of using a multistage Dockerfile is the reduction in image size, leading to leaner and more efficient container images. This reduction in size results in faster deployment times and decreased storage requirements.

When should I use a multistage Dockerfile instead of a single-stage Dockerfile?

Use a multistage Dockerfile when your application builds, like compiling code, involve large dependencies that are not needed in the final runtime image. Multistage builds are especially useful for microservices, where small and efficient images are crucial.

Can I use multistage builds with other container orchestration tools like Kubernetes?

Absolutely! Multistage Dockerfiles work seamlessly with Kubernetes and other container orchestration tools. The benefits of smaller images translate directly to faster deployments and better resource utilization within your containerized environment.

How do multistage Dockerfiles affect build performance?

While each stage in a multistage build introduces an additional layer, optimized builds with caching can actually improve build performance compared to single-stage builds. Docker caches layers based on instructions, so changes in later stages won’t require rebuilding earlier stages.

Why is it essential to embrace multistage Dockerfiles in modern containerization practices?

Embracing multistage Dockerfiles is crucial for optimizing containerized workflows, driving innovation, and maximizing efficiency in software development and deployment pipelines. They contribute to faster deployments, improved security, and enhanced maintainability, making them essential in the evolving landscape of container technologies

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