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What is an API Endpoint ?

The API endpoint is the specific URL where requests are sent to interact with the API. In this article, we will discuss API Endpoint their working and the differences between REST API and GraphQL endpoints.

What is an API Endpoint?

An API point of entry is a specific URL (identifier of a resource or functionality that is available to the API user) that stands for the resource or functionality provided by an API (Application Programming Interface). It acts as the interface filter where requests or information to/from a client(user interacted app like web or mobile application) are received and forwarded to the server that’s hosting the API.

In the hands-on, a particular API endpoint assigns the place to which the requests are to be sent to do certain functions or select certain data. Each endpoint usually is the representation of the set of operations or some specific operations that can be implemented through the API.

How do API endpoints work?

What are some best practices for designing and developing API endpoints?

What is the difference between a REST endpoint and a GraphQL endpoint?


REST endpoint

GraphQL endpoint

Schema Definition:

REST API endpoints exhibit dynamic and unspecified data arrangements, determined ad hoc by the server implementation.

GraphQL endpoint attributes define a strongly typed schema, specifying data types usable in queries, including object types, input types, and query/mutation types, as stated in the client-server contract.

Data Fetching:

Clients access each endpoint individually, potentially leading to over-fetching or undershooting.

Clients specify needed data in single queries, reducing unnecessary data fetching.

Data Modification:

Uses HTTP methods (POST, PUT, PATCH, DELETE) with varying endpoints for different operations.

Mutations modify data alongside queries, with distinct mutation types operating in one request.

Response Format:

Outputs data in strict formats like JSON or XML, limiting client control over data structure.

Provides JSON-formatted responses matching query structure, delivering precisely requested data.


Utilizes HTTP caching mechanisms tailored to specific endpoints or data streams.

Less cacheable due to unique, client-tailored responses, requiring thoughtful caching strategies.


Typically uses URL versioning or custom headers to denote API versions, maintaining client compatibility.

Deprecates fields and allows for gradual introduction of breaking changes, reducing need for versioning.

Client-Server Communication:

Business logic implemented in endpoints, responding to client requests with server responses.

Utilizes subscriptions for real-time updates, enabling interactive and collaborative calls such as chats and live dashboards.

How can Postman help you design, develop, and test your API endpoints?

1. Designing API Endpoints:

2. Developing API Endpoints:

3. Testing API Endpoints:

4. Debugging API Endpoints:

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