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What is a Product Vision? A Complete Overview with example

Product vision is the future aspirations or goals that a business product hopes to achieve in the future. It consists of a product vision statement that describes how and in what terms the stakeholders of the product want to achieve their vision of the product.

Every product owner has a dream of their product as in what terms it would affect the target market, how will it benefit the consumers, and a road map to ensure the productivity of the brand in the long run.

What is a Product Vision? A Complete Overview with Example.

What is Product Vision?

What is a Product Vision

A product vision attempts to describe a product’s future state. It is the product’s essence. Ideally, the product vision will serve as a guide for stakeholders, reminding them of the general direction the product should take and the team’s common goals.

When do you need a product vision?

What makes a good product vision?

What makes a good product vision?

Importance of product vision & product vision statement:

Benefits of a product vision:

Benefits of a product vision

  1. Guidance: It serves as a guiding light, providing a clear direction for the team. This helps everyone understand the ultimate goal and purpose of the product.
  2. Motivation: A compelling product vision inspires and motivates team members. It gives them a reason to come to work excited and encourages them to put in extra effort to achieve the shared goal.
  3. Decision-Making: When faced with decisions, the product vision acts as a reference point. It helps team members make choices that align with the overall vision, preventing divergent or conflicting directions.
  4. Alignment: It ensures that everyone on the team is on the same page. The shared understanding of the product vision promotes unity and collaboration among team members.
  5. Customer Focus: A well-defined product vision often centers around addressing customer needs or solving a problem. This customer-centric approach helps in creating products that resonate with and benefit the target audience.

How do product owners contribute to the vision?

How do product owners contribute to the vision

Who defines a product vision statement?

The whole company is expected to put forth their ideas in order to form a product vision statement. It’s the company employees who after research determine the needs and requirements of the public and accordingly give their ideas on how the vision of the product must be. In total, they look for the present needs while keeping in mind how in future they would have to reform the product. However, it’s not the sole responsibility of the company owner to develop a vision. A product vision is expected to be dynamic and not static, formation which includes team work, an opportunity for the product to add value in the market and gear up for selling.

How to write a product vision statement?

The product vision statement should ensure complete alignment and clarity among development teams, stakeholders, and other stakeholders. To accomplish this, follow these four principles:

Product Vision Statement Template:

A good product vision is aspirational and customer focused. It consists of parameters such as target audience, customer needs, product name and it’s description, unique benefits, why should the public use this product etc. It also includes the name of other companies in order to show a healthy competition and how is the product different from others. Below is a template for product vision statement formation :

For (target audience) who require to (needs), our (product) is a (material) from (company) that helps in (key benefits) and has features such as (product description). Unlike (company in competition), our product has (differentiating qualities).

A good product vision statement proves to be beneficial to both company, in order to enhance their product and increase the value in market, as well as the customers, who get an insight of how the product is and according to their needs, what all can it provide.

Examples of Product Vision:

Big companies such as Instagram, Google, Microsoft, Apple have delightful and captivating product visions which constitutes of the services they are providing, and those which they wish to plan in future:

Examples of Product Vision

Conclusion: Product Vision

Forming a good product vision is important as it helps foresee the future possibilities as well as limitations for the product. It refines the existing features, and provides space and efforts for further changes. When appealing and convincing, a good product vision of around 2-4 lines is capable enough to drag the majority of audience. It layers the spirit of team work and team growth by collectively working on a project. That’s the main objective of a product vision statement.

FAQs on Product Vision:

1. What is the product vision?

A product vision attempts to describe a product’s future state. It is the product’s essence. Ideally, the product vision will serve as a guide for stakeholders, reminding them of the general direction the product should take and the team’s common goals.

2. What are 3 examples of Product vision statement?

Here are the 3 examples of Product vision statement:

  • Microsoft Surface: Unlike laptops, Surface can be used on the go without the need for an additional device.
  • Sonos: Play music in every room of the house.
  • Google: Google’s mission is to provide one-click access to the world’s information.

3. Who writes the product vision?

The product vision is developed, overseen, and owned by the product owner. The purpose of a product, the intention behind its creation, and the goals it seeks to accomplish for users and consumers are all outlined in the product vision.

4. How product vision is created?

To have a vision, you must first understand your clients’ needs. You must have a thorough understanding of their problems and how your solution will solve them. When creating a new offering’s product vision, do market research to identify your target audience and determine their needs.

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