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What is 1/7 as a Decimal?

1/7 as a decimal is approximately 0.142857.

To convert the fraction 1/7 into a decimal, you divide the numerator (1) by the denominator (7). This division does not result in a terminating decimal but in a repeating decimal. When you divide 1 by 7, the quotient is 0.142857, and the sequence 142857 repeats indefinitely.

The calculation is as follows:

1/7 = 1÷7 ≈ 0.1428577

This type of conversion is common in mathematics, especially when dealing with fractions that do not easily convert into a finite decimal form. Repeating decimals are a fascinating aspect of mathematics, and they occur when a number cannot be represented exactly in decimal form and instead repeats a pattern indefinitely. Understanding how to convert fractions to decimals is a fundamental skill in mathematics and has practical applications in various fields, including finance, engineering, and science. In everyday life, this skill is useful for tasks like splitting bills or measuring ingredients.

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