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What are User-defined Functions and Built-in Functions in PHP?

In PHP, User-defined functions are created by programmers to meet specific requirements, while PHP built-in functions are provided by PHP to perform common tasks without the need for manual implementation. Both types of functions play crucial roles in PHP development, offering flexibility, modularity, and efficiency in coding.

User-defined Functions:


function greet($name) {
return "Hello, $name!";

Built-in Functions:


$string = "Hello, world!";
$length = strlen($string);

// Built-in function to find the length of a string

The table below illustrates the user-defined function and built-in function in PHP along with corresponding descriptions.

Function Description
strlen() Returns the length of a string.
explode() Splits a string into an array by a specified delimiter.
implode() Joins array elements into a string with a specified delimiter.
file_get_contents() Reads the contents of a file into a string.
substr() Returns a part of a string based on a start position and length.
count() Returns the number of elements in an array or the length of an object.
strtoupper() Converts a string to uppercase.
strtolower() Converts a string to lowercase.
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