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What are the Building Blocks of HTML?

HTML is the backbone of web content, which consists of fundamental building blocks that define the structure of a webpage. These building blocks include elements like Tags, Attributes, and Elements.



<!DOCTYPE html>

<title>Your Title Here</title>

<!-- Your content goes here -->


Building Blocks

Category Example Description
Tags <p> Defines a paragraph.
<h1> to <h6> Define headings of different levels.
<a> Creates hyperlinks.
<img> Embeds images.
Attributes class Specifies one or more class names.
id Specifies a unique id for an element.
src Specifies the source URL for embedded content
alt Specifies alternative text for images.
Elements <html> Represents the root element of an HTML page.
<head> Contains meta-information about the document.
<body> Contains the content of the HTML document.
<div> Defines a division or a section.
<span> Defines a small section in a document.
Article Tags :