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Vue.js Dynamic List Transitions

Dynamic List Transition

Dynamic List Transitions defines as the animated transitions that occur when the elements are added, remove, or rearranged in a list. This process wraps the list in transition components by adding CSS for transition and adding animations to the transition components.

Implementing Dynamic List Transition

Syntax :

    name="list" tag="ul"
        v-for="(item, index) in items" 
         {{ item.text }}

To Install Vue.js in your system, follow to given steps :

Step 1: To create a new Vue.js project execute the following command.

npm init vue@latest

Project Structure

The project Structure will look like this after the installation.

Here are some examples of Dynamic List Transitions. So you can try these examples in your Vue.js project. Copy the Code and paste it as it is in App.vue file.

Example 1: In this example, we created a list by using dynamic List Transitions. And put all the code in App.vue file for the execution.

<!-- App.vue -->
        <h2>My List</h2>
        <button @click="addItem">Add Item</button>
        <transition-group name="list" tag="ul">
            <li v-for="item in items" :key="">
                {{ }}
export default {
    data() {
        return {
            items: [
                { id: 1, name: "Item 1" },
                { id: 2, name: "Item 2" },
                { id: 3, name: "Item 3" },
                { id: 4, name: "Item 4" },
            nextItemId: 5,
    methods: {
        addItem() {
                id: this.nextItemId,
                name: "New Item",
.list-leave-active {
    transform: scale(0);
    transition: opacity 0.5s, transform 0.5s;
.list-leave-to {
    transform: scale(1);
    opacity: 0;
    transform: translateY(30px);

Output: In this example, the list item was added to the list in non-ordered. It is a simple basic list.

Example 2: In this example, when the user clicks the button the item was printed on the window display in numeric order.

<!-- App.vue -->
        <transition-group name="list" tag="ul">
                v-for="item in items"
                :class="{ active: }"
                {{ }}
        <button @click="addItem" :disabled="addingItem">
            Add Item
export default {
    data() {
        return {
            items: [],
            addingItem: false,
    methods: {
        addItem() {
            const newItem = {
                id: this.items.length + 1,
                name: "Item " + (this.items.length + 1),
                active: false,
            this.addingItem = true;
            // Triggering the transition
            this.$nextTick(() => {
       = true;
                setTimeout(() => {
                    this.addingItem = false;
                }, 500);
<style scoped>
h2 {
    color: green;
    font-size: 3rem;
body {
    margin: 5rem;
.list {
    list-style-type: none;
    padding: 0;
.list li {
    opacity: 0;
    transform: scale(0.5);
    transition: opacity 0.5s, transform 0.5s;
.list {
    opacity: 1;
    transform: scale(1);


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