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Visual Hierarchy Element in Web Design

In web design, we have limited time and limited user’s attention and it is tough to convey our message to the visitor in that limited time meanwhile also ensuring no miscommunication happens. Visual Hierarchy enables us to guide the user on what’s more important to them as well as to us hence preventing any confusion in design.

In this article, we will discuss What Visual Hierarchy is. How to create Visual Hierarchy? and some best practices around Visual Hierarchy.

Visual Hierarchy Element

What is Visual Hierarchy?

Visual Hierarchy refers to arranging the visual elements in a design to rank them and guide the user on which element is more important and deserves more attention than the others. Visual Hierarchy is essential to convey the right message to the visitors without any miscommunications. It helps in avoiding confusing designs.

Visual Hierarchy also reduces the Cognitive load on the users by directing their attention onto lesser and more important elements making the website look less confusing and preventing information from bursting on the customers. All this makes setting up a Visual Hierarchy extremely important for any designer.

How to Create Visual Hierarchy?

Following is the list of ways in which you can create Visual Hierarchy among elements in web design:

Best Practices


Visual Hierarchy refers to arranging the visual elements in a design in order to rank them and guide the user on which element is more important and deserves more attention then the others. It is essential to establish visual hierarchy in our web design in order to convey our message to the visitors without any miscommunications. There are five major ways to set up Visual Hierarchy is a web design, these are – Color, Contrast, Scale, Texture and Tone and finally Grouping and proximity. Make sure to follow the points abut Visual Hierarchy that we discussed in the article when you design Visual Elements for your next website.

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