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Vassar Labs Interview Experience (On-Campus)

Vassar labs came to our college for 2 roles, AE backend and R&D role.

First round: First Round Consisted of 20 MCQs and 1 coding question. The coding question was related to a number of words in a string.

Second round: 15 Students were selected for 2nd round which was a level 1 technical interview. This round was 30 mins and in this round interviewer gave me a question related to string in this, I had to find the total no of words, Alphabet, Integer, consonants, vowels, and special characters. I was able to give solutions to all of them but when I told her about the total no of words using string stream she was amazed and was quite amazed by stringstream STL ( in C++).

Third round: 8 students were selected for the final interview which was of 1 hour and in this round, I was asked 5 questions-

I was able to answer to all of them. Final verdict 5 students were selected and I was amongst one them.

Final Verdict: Selected ( But didn’t Join due to 2 years bond  and also because I was selected in another company with better CTC )

Author: Jasbir Singh

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