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Using Request Args for a Variable URL in Flask

This article will teach us how to use Request Arguments in our Flask application. First, we will understand. What are the Request Arguments?

What are the Request Arguments?

Request Arguments are MultiDict objects with the parsed contents of the query string (the part in the URL after the question mark).

MultiDict:  It is a dictionary-like structure, having key-value pairs, but the ‘same key’ can occur multiple times in the collection.

In Flask, we can use the request.args attribute of the request object to access the URL parameters. These parameters are appended to the end of the URL in the form of key=value, separated by ampersands (&). As we can see in the following image, first_name & last_name are used as the keys, and Raj & Kumar are the values assigned to them. 


Here is an example of how we can use request.args in a Flask route to access the value of a URL parameter:

Create a new file Inside it, rewrite the following code.

from flask import Flask, request
app = Flask(__name__)
def index():
    # Get the value of the 'name' parameter from the URL
    name = request.args.get('name')
    # Greet Hello to name provided in the URL Parameter
    return "Hello, {}!".format(name)

Now, Run the 

$ python 


In the screenshot, you can see the URL parameter is NOT provided that’s why “Hello, None!” is rendered on the webpage. if we will assign a URL parameter as you can see in the following output.


In this example, the request arguments key is the “name” and GeeksForGeeks is the value. So, “Hello, GeeksForGeeks!” is printed on the screen. Similarly, if we visit the URL, the route will return the string “Hello, John!”. and if we visit the URL, the route will return the string “Hello, David!”

Let’s create a mini-application to understand more about the Request Arguments. We will create an Arithmetic Calculator. In which, we will perform different arithmetic operations like Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, and Division. To do this we will use Request Arguments.

Create Arithmetic Calculator

To create an arithmetic calculator using request arguments in Flask, we can follow these steps:

def calculate():
  # Get the first operand using request arguments
  a = request.args.get('a')
  # Get the Second operand using request arguments
  b = request.args.get('b')
  # Get the operation to be perform
  operator = request.args.get('operator')

# Make sure that the request arguments are not empty
  if a and b and operator:
    # Convert the request arguments to integers
    a = int(a)
    b = int(b)

# Perform the requested operation
    if operator == 'add':
      result = a + b
    elif operator == 'subtract':
      result = a - b
    elif operator == 'multiply':
      result = a * b
    elif operator == 'divide':
      result = a / b

  return f'{a} {operator} {b} = {result}'
  return 'Error: Insufficient arguments'

Here is a Complete code:

from flask import Flask, request
app = Flask(__name__)
def calculate():
  # Get the first operand using request arguments
  a = request.args.get('a')
  # Get the Second operand using request arguments
  b = request.args.get('b')
  # Get the operation to be perform
  operator = request.args.get('operator')
  # Make sure that the request arguments are not empty
  if a and b and operator:
    # Convert the request arguments to integers
    a = int(a)
    b = int(b)
    # Perform the requested operation
    if operator == 'add':
      result = a + b
    elif operator == 'subtract':
      result = a - b
    elif operator == 'multiply':
      result = a * b
    elif operator == 'divide':
      result = a / b
    return f'{a} {operator} {b} = {result}'
    return 'Error: Insufficient arguments'

To use this calculator, we can send a GET request to the ‘/calculate’ endpoint with the request arguments ‘a’, ‘b’, and ‘operator’.

For example, to add 2 and 3, we can send a request like this:



To Multiply 4 and 7:



Similarly, we can perform Subtraction and Division.

If any of the arguments are missing in the URL, Like





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