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Unthinkable Solutions Interview Experience

Well I cracked all the rounds and I’ve my offer letter now from unthinkable solutions. So it consists of 4 rounds I’d say the first round was basic programming test on HackerEarth platform we have been assigned 3 coding problems 2 easy and one medium-level question.

  1. Convert the time in 24 hours format
  2. Minimum numbers of jump to reach end of an array
  3. Replace every array element by multiplication of prev and next

As I submitted all three questions I was selected for direct technical interview round but some of my friends got second round test they needed to clear that second round to get an interview call so try to submit all the questions.

After this, he asked me 6 basic programming questions and ask me to code those so I coded all the 6 questions he asked:

  1. pattern
  2. isPrime
  3. is given string is present in target string or not
  4. Whether the year is leap year or not
  5. Find the average of a given array
  6. 321 pattern you can find this ques on leetcode.

After this, under 5-10 minutes I got call for the second technical interview and it’s occurred just after 5 minutes the first interview now in this interview he gave me 3 medium level DSA problems.

  1. Print 2d matrix in spiral form
  2. Longest common substring
  3. Find the count of numbers, characters & special characters in a string without using hashmap(preferred not to use hashmap)

After this, I got a call for my HR interview which was smoothest one out of all the rounds she discussed the salary structure and job hours how to reach the office, and all that’s it and she said take your time to accept this offer and finally got the congratulation mail from the HR department of unthinkable solution whole interview process was smooth.

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