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Underscore.js _.pickWhen() Method

The _.pickWhen() method returns a copy of the object containing those properties for which the given predicate function returns true. The predicate function is invoked with each property value.


_.pickWhen( Object_name, predicate_func );


Return Value: This method returns a copy of the object after containing properties.

Note: This will not work in normal JavaScript because it requires the underscore.js contrib library to be installed. 

Underscore.js contrib library can be installed using npm install underscore-contrib –save.

Example 1:

// Defining underscore contrib variable
var _ = require('underscore-contrib'); 
var obj = {
    1: "Gfg1",
    2: "Gfg2",
    3: "Gfg3"
var val = _.pickWhen(obj, function (id) 
          { return id == "Gfg1" });


{ '1': 'Gfg1' }

Example 2: If no property is found in the object, this method picks nothing.

// Defining underscore contrib variable
var _ = require('underscore-contrib'); 
var obj = {
    1: "Gfg1",
    2: "Gfg2",
    3: "Gfg3"
var val = _.pickWhen(obj, function (id) 
          { return id == "Gfg4" });



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