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UGC-NET | NTA UGC NET 2019 June – II | Question 24

Consider double hashing of the form
h(k,i)=(h​ 1​ (k)+ih​ 2​ (k)) mod m
Where h​ 1​ (k)=k mod m
h​ 2​ (k)=1+(k mod n)
Where n=m-1and m=701
for k=123456, what is the difference between first and second probes in terms of slots?
(A) 255
(B) 256
(C) 257
(D) 258

Answer: (C)
Explanation: Given that

=> h(k, i) = (h1(k)+ih2 (k)) mod m
=> Where h​1​(k)=k mod m,
h​2​ (k)=1+(k mod n)
k = 123456


=> h1(k) = 123456 mod 701 = 80
=> h2(k) = 1 + (123456 mod 700) = 1 + 256 = 257

1st probe: when i =1

=> h(k, i) = h1(k) + ih2(k)
=> h(k, 1) = h1(k) + h2(k) = 80 + 257 = 337

2nd probe: when i =2

=> h(k,2) = h1(k) + 2*h2(k)
= 80 + 2*257

=> h(k,2) = 80 + 514 = 594

So, difference between first two probes = 594 – 337
= 257
=> Option C is answer.
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