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TypeScript ThisType<Type> Utility Type

The TypeScript ThisType<Type> utility type allows you to define the type of this within a specific object or function context, providing precise type checking for methods and properties accessed through this. The ThisType<Type> utility type is primarily used to provide type annotations for this context when defining function signatures or method signatures. It helps improve type checking and code intelligence in cases where TypeScript may not automatically infer the correct type.


interface SomeInterface {
    someMethod(this: ThisType<SomeInterface>, ...parameters: any[]): ReturnType;



This is the return type of the method or function

Example 1: In this example, we define a Printer interface for objects with a name property and a print method. Two printer objects, inkjetPrinter and laserPrinter, adhere to this interface. Their print methods access the name property to log messages with the printer’s name. TypeScript ensures the correct this context, enabling proper message printing for both printers. We have a Printer interface that represents printers with a name property and a print method. The print method expects this context to be of type Printer.

interface Printer {
    name: string;
    print(this: ThisType<Printer>, message: string): void;
const inkjetPrinter: Printer = {
    name: "Inkjet Printer",
    print(this: Printer, message: string) {
        console.log(`[${}] Printing: ${message}`);
const laserPrinter: Printer = {
    name: "Laser Printer",
    print(this: Printer, message: string) {
        console.log(`[${}] Printing: ${message}`);
// Outputs: [Inkjet Printer] Printing: Document 1
inkjetPrinter.print("Document 1");
// Outputs: [Laser Printer] Printing: Document 2 
laserPrinter.print("Document 2");


[Inkjet Printer] Printing: Document 1
[Laser Printer] Printing: Document 2

Example 2: In this example, we define an interface Shape with a name property and an area method. The circle object implements this interface, calculating its area based on the name and printing the result.

interface Shape {
    name: string;
    area(this: Shape): number;
const circle: Shape = {
    name: "Circle",
    area(this: Shape): number {
        if ( === "Circle") {
            // Compute and return the area of a circle
            return Math.PI * Math.pow(2, 2);
        } else {
            // Return -1 for unsupported shapes
            return -1;
console.log(`${} has an area of`+
            ` ${circle.area()} square units.`);


Circle has an area of 12.566370614359172 square units.


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