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TypeScript Object Tuple Types

TypeScript provides various features to enhance type safety and developer productivity. One of these features includes Object Tuple Types. This feature ensures that an object follows a consistent shape in our code which results in a reduction in runtime errors and improves code quality.

What are Object Tuple Types?


type TupleTypeName = [Type1, Type2, ...];

Where – 

Tuple Array

Example: Here, we declared a tuple type item first and then we created an array of Products of item[] tuple type.


type item = [string, number];
let Products: item[] = [
    ["Laptop", 999],
    ["Smartphone", 599],
    ["Tablet", 299],


[ [ 'Laptop', 999 ], [ 'Smartphone', 599 ], [ 'Tablet', 299 ] ]

Destructure Tuple

Example: Here, we declare a type Triangle create a variable of type Triangle and assign the values to the tuple. To Destructure this tuple and get the values into individual elements, we create variables in this form [a, b, c], so the values will assigned in this manner: let a=10, b=20, c=30.

// Define a triangle tuple type
type Triangle = [number, number, number];
// Create a triangle variable of Type Triangle
let triangle: Triangle = [10, 20, 30];
// Destructure the tuple into individual variables a, b, c
let [a, b, c] = triangle;
// Calculate the perimeter of the Triangle
let perimeter = a + b + c;
console.log(`Perimeter of triangle with 
    sides ${a} ,${b}, ${c} : ${perimeter}`);


Perimeter of triangle with sides 10 ,20, 30 : 60

Optional Tuple

Example: In this example we have made the number property optional, so while creating a variable of mentor type. the age property may be present or may not be present.

// Define an optional tuple type for a Mentor
type Mentor = [string, number?];
// Create a mentor with an optional age
let Mony: Mentor = ["Mony"];
let Lala: Mentor = ["Lala", 21];
console.log(Mony); // [ 'Mony' ]
console.log(Lala);   // [ 'Lala', 21 ]


[ 'Mony' ]
[ 'Lala', 21 ]

Tuple with Rest Elements

Example: In this example, we created a rest element of type number, a dynamic list, which can hold any number of values passed in the tuple but only of number type. we are trying to track gaming scores.

type GameScores = [string, number, ...number[]];
let CricketScores: GameScores = ["Dhoni", 50, 75, 90, 65, 80];


[ 'Dhoni', 50, 75, 90, 65, 80 ]

Tuple with Rest Parameters and Arguments

We can use tuple types with rest parameters and rest arguments to handle functions that take a variable number of arguments while preserving type safety.

Example: Let’s consider this example, here we have a tuple type with properties string, number, …string[] (can hold any number of string values, it is a dynamic list). Function call happens with the… spread operator which separates each property into individual variables and in the function parameter, this is handled by the rest parameter.

function printMembersNameandSkills(...details: [string, number, 
...string[]]) {
    for (let i = 0; i < details.length; i++) {
        if (i == 0) console.log(`Name : ${details[i]}`);
        if (i == 1) console.log(`E-ID : ${details[i]}`);
        else console.log(`Skills : ${details[i]}`);
type member = [string, number, ...string[]];
let gfgTeamMembers: member = ["Roland", 1234, 
    "Java", "C#", "Python", "TypeScript"];


Name : Roland
Skills : Roland
E-ID : 1234
Skills : Java
Skills : C#
Skills : Python
Skills : TypeScript

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