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TypeScript Object Interfaces vs. Intersections

TypeScript offers several features when it comes to defining complex data structures. In TypeScript, Object Interface and Intersections are two different features that serve different purposes when it comes to defining complex data structures.

Object Interfaces

Example: This example shows the use of the TypeScript Interfaces.

interface Employee {
    eid: string,
    name: string
const emp: Employee = {
    eid: "E54321",
    name: "Ravi"


{ eid: 'E54321', name: 'Ravi' }


Example: This example shows the use of TypeScript intersections

interface Employee {
    eid: string,
    name: string
interface Address {
    street: string;
    city: string;
type EmployeeWithAddress = 
    Employee & Address;
const employeeWithAddress: 
    EmployeeWithAddress = {
    eid: "E54321",
    name: "Bob",
    street: "123 BHU Lanka",
    city: "Varanasi",


eid: 'E54321',
name: 'Bob',
street: '123 BHU Lanka',
city: 'Varanasi'

Object Interfaces vs. Intersections:





Define shape of an object.

Combines multiple types into single type.

Declaration Syntax

Uses ‘interface’ keyword.

Uses ‘&’ Operator.


Defines properties with their types.

Merges properties and methods from multiple types.


Can be extended and implemented by other interfaces or classes.

Cannot be extended.


Support extending interface with help of inheritance.

Combines multiple type or interfaces without inheritance.

Object Instances

Used to declare objects that conform to the interface.

Not used directly to declare objects.


Objects are reusable due to inheritance.

Used to create advance composite types.

Use Cases

Defining individual object structures.

Used when we want to create a new type that has characteristics of multiple types.

Conclusion: TypeScript object interfaces are used to define the structure of individual objects, while intersections combine multiple types to create new composite types. In many cases, we might use both object interfaces and intersections depending on the specific requirements of our applications. Understanding when and how to use these powerful features is essential for building robust applications using TypeScript.

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