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Types of Wholesalers

Who are Wholesalers?

A wholesaler is a person or corporation that sells big quantities of items to retailers or other professional enterprises that are not end users. Wholesalers play an important role in the marketing channel setup. Most of the time, they serve numerous important services that are crucial to the seamless movement of commodities, ownership, finance, and information.

Wholesalers deal with a constrained selection of goods. They do, however, maintain various classifications of the goods they sell. The wholesalers serve as the intermediaries between manufacturers and retailers. In the distribution chain, they serve as the middleman. For the market distribution of the products, the manufacturers rely on them heavily.


Types of Wholesalers

The wholesalers can be classified into three types:

1. Merchant Wholesalers

These are the most popular wholesalers used in the private label, FMCG, and agricultural industries. Simply put, merchant wholesalers are the people that purchase products directly from manufacturers, keep them, and then resell them to customers. They aren’t restricted to selling exclusively to retail or only to online customers, and they may sell through any channel.

Any losses incurred in the process of purchasing and reselling the product must be paid for by the merchant wholesaler. Companies like Britannia and P&G utilise merchant wholesalers even in the FMCG industry. These wholesalers have greater control over the area in which they trade. They benefit because they make large purchases from the company and accept all of the associated risks. Additionally, they are in charge of the sales targets, which they consistently achieve.

2. Full-Service Merchant Wholesalers

Full-Service Wholesalers are also known as Full-function Wholesalers. They are the market’s second most popular type of wholesalers. They can be found most frequently in engineering or consumer durable products. As implied by the term, full-service wholesalers provide complete service to the final retailer. The products are sold to a reseller (in this case, a retailer) by these wholesalers who mostly work in the retail sector. The full-service wholesaler is responsible for everything except for product service. In the real world, many full-service wholesalers launch a second related services firm and begin providing services in addition to the products they are wholesaling. For example, a Videocon wholesaler just opened a Videocon service center.

As a consequence, they might receive both sales and servicing orders. However, in conceptual terms, servicing and maintenance of the goods is not a component of a full-service wholesaler. He is primarily responsible for sales, delivery, and financing. Full-Service Merchant Wholesalers can be further categorised into three parts:

3. Limited-Service Merchant Wholesalers

Even though full-service merchant wholesalers carry out a product line, they provide their customers with a complete line of extra services. However, it may be possible that some of the customers may not want all services, or may not want to pay for some of the services. They may prefer to get lower prices for the product by sacrificing services. For those types of customers, Limited-Service Merchant Wholesalers came into existence. They are also known as Limited-Function Wholesalers. The Limited-Service Merchant Wholesalers are further classified as:

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