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TreeSet in Scala

Set is a data structure which allows us to store elements which are unique. The ordering of elements does not guarantee by the Set, than a TreeSet will make elements in a given order. In Scala, TreeSet have two versions: scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet and scala.collection.mutable.TreeSet.


var TreesetName = TreeSet(element1, element2, element3, ....) 

Operations perform with TreeSet

Initialize a TreeSet :

Below is the example to create or initialize TreeSet.

// Scala program of Initializing TreeSet 
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet 
// Creating object 
object GFG 
    // Main method 
    def main(args:Array[String]) 
        println("Initialize a TreeSet"
        // Creating TreeSet 
        val treeSet: TreeSet[String] = TreeSet("Geeks"
                                    "GeeksForGeeks", "Author"
        println(s"Elements are = $treeSet"


Initialize a TreeSet
Elements are = TreeSet(Author, Geeks, GeeksForGeeks)

Check specific elements in TreeSet :

// Scala program of Check specific elements in TreeSet 
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet 
// Creating object 
object GFG 
    // Main method 
    def main(args:Array[String]) 
        println("Initialize a TreeSet"
        // Creating TreeSet 
        val treeSet: TreeSet[String] = TreeSet("Geeks"
                                "GeeksForGeeks", "Author"
        println(s"Elements are = $treeSet"
        // Checking 
        println(s"Element Geeks = ${treeSet("Geeks")}"
        println(s"Element Student = ${treeSet("Student")}"


Initialize a TreeSet
Elements are = TreeSet(Author, Geeks, GeeksForGeeks)
Element Geeks = true
Element Student = false

Adding an element in TreeSet :

We can add an element in TreeSet by using + sign. below is the example of adding an element in TreeSet.

// Scala program of adding an element in TreeSet 
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet 
// Creating object 
object GFG 
    // Main method 
    def main(args:Array[String]) 
        println("Initialize a TreeSet"
        // Creating TreeSet 
        val ts: TreeSet[String] = TreeSet("Geeks"
                            "GeeksForGeeks", "Author"
        println(s"Elements are = $ts"
        // Adding an element in HashSet 
        val ts1: TreeSet[String] = ts + "GeeksClasses"
        println(s"Adding elements to TreeSet = $ts1"


Initialize a TreeSet
Elements are = TreeSet(Author, Geeks, GeeksForGeeks)
Adding elements to TreeSet = TreeSet(Author, Geeks, GeeksClasses, GeeksForGeeks)

Adding two TreeSets in TreeSets :

We can add two TreeSets by using ++ sign. below is the example of adding two TreeSets.

// Scala program of adding two TreeSets
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet 
// Creating object 
object GFG 
    // Main method 
    def main(args:Array[String]) 
        println("Initialize a TreeSet"
        // Creating HashSet 
        val ts: TreeSet[String] = TreeSet("Geeks"
                                "GeeksForGeeks", "Author"
        println(s"Elements are = $ts"
        // Adding elements in HashSet 
        val ts1: TreeSet[String] = ts ++ TreeSet[String]("Java", "Scala"
        println(s"Add more than one TreeSets = $ts1"


Initialize a TreeSet
Elements are = TreeSet(Author, Geeks, GeeksForGeeks)
Add more than one TreeSets = TreeSet(Author, Geeks, GeeksForGeeks, Java, Scala)

Remove element in TreeSet :

We can remove an element in TreeSet by using – sign. below is the example of removing an element in TreeSet.

// Scala program of removing element in TreeSet 
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet 
// Creating object 
object GFG 
    // Main method 
    def main(args:Array[String]) 
        println("Initialize a TreeSet"
        // Creating HashSet 
        val ts: TreeSet[String] = TreeSet("Geeks"
                                "GeeksForGeeks", "Author"
        println(s"Elements are = $ts"
        // removing elements in HashSet 
        val ts1: TreeSet[String] = ts - "Geeks"
        println(s"remove element from treeset = $ts1"


Initialize a TreeSet
Elements are = TreeSet(Author, Geeks, GeeksForGeeks)
remove element from treeset = TreeSet(Author, GeeksForGeeks)

Find the intersection between two TreeSets :

We can find intersection between two TreeSets by using & sign. below is the example of finding intersection between two TreeSets.

// Scala program of finding the intersection
// between two TreeSets 
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet 
// Creating object 
object GFG 
    // Main method 
    def main(args:Array[String]) 
        println("Initialize two TreeSets"
        // Creating two TreeSet 
        val ts: TreeSet[String] = TreeSet("Geeks"
                            "GeeksForGeeks", "Author"
        println(s"Elements of treeset1 are = $ts"
        val ts1: TreeSet[String] = TreeSet("Java"
                                    "Geeks", "Scala"
        println(s"Elements of treeset2 are = $ts1"
        // finding the intersection between two TreeSets 
        println(s"Intersection of treeSet1 and treeSet2 = ${ts & ts1}"


Initialize two TreeSets
Elements of treeset1 are = TreeSet(Author, Geeks, GeeksForGeeks)
Elements of treeset2 are = TreeSet(Geeks, Java, Scala)
Intersection of treeSet1 and treeSet2 = TreeSet(Geeks)


Initializing an empty TreeSet :

Below is the example to show empty TreeSet.

// Scala program of Initializing an empty TreeSet 
import scala.collection.immutable.TreeSet 
// Creating object 
object GFG 
    // Main method 
    def main(args:Array[String]) 
        // Initializing an empty TreeSet 
        val emptyTreeSet: TreeSet[String] = TreeSet.empty[String] 
        println(s"Empty TreeSet = $emptyTreeSet"


Empty TreeSet = TreeSet()

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