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Top Machine Learning Dataset: Find Open Datasets

In the realm of machine learning, data is the fuel that powers innovation. The quality and quantity of data directly influence the performance and capabilities of machine learning models. Open datasets, in particular, play an important role in democratizing access to data and fostering collaboration and innovation within machine learning.

Machine Learning Dataset

In this article we will explore about the What are ML Datasets, Types of ML Datasets, and uncovering some of the Top Resources available to Machine Learning Datasets.

What are ML datasets?

The Machine Learning(ML) datasets are defined by the collection of data that can be used to train, test, and evaluate the model. This type of dataset makes programmers learn machine learning algorithms and execute the practical implementation of prediction.

The ML dataset was collected through various domains such as image recognition, text preprocessing, and sound or speech recognition. On the internet, few resources are easily available for anyone to use, while other datasets are based on project recommendations.

Types of ML Datasets

The dataset of ML performs the specific problem where the model is being trained and finds the solution to it. There are three different ways to categorize the dataset-

  1. Training Dataset: This type of data is used to train the model in Machine Learning.
  2. Validation Dataset: This type of dataset is optimized during the time of model training and it helps to prevent overfitting.
  3. Testing Dataset: The testing dataset is not used during the time of training or validation and it is also termed a reserved dataset which can be used to evaluate the unseen data or model performance.

All the above categories of datasets play an important practice in the field of machine learning. Ensure that the model is trained and evaluated in an unbiased manner.

Top Resources of Machine Learning Dataset

Now we will know the top resources of Machine Learning from where we will take datasets for our project requirement. Below is the list of ML resources with their links-

UCI Machine Learning Repository

This is the ML community that was first created by a researcher at the University of Irvine, California, and distributes various datasets that cover diverse domains. In addition to this, the datasets are available in various formats with detailed documentation that helps the ML audience to understand the data well. So, it is a valuable resource for both beginner and experienced users in the field.

Dataset link – Iris Dataset


The Kaggle is very popular among all its competitive resources. It is an online platform that involves a community of data scientists, ML engineers, and researchers. This offers a variety of tools and resources to support the project based on data science, competitions, and other collaborative learning. The Kaggle website hosts a vast collection of datasets which used in various domains such as image recognition, natural language processing, tabular data, and more. These resources can be retrieved and downloaded by any user to use for their project.

On the website of Kaggle, you can get the chance to learn ML courses, Python, etc.

Dataset link – Housing Dataset

Open Data on AWS

The AWS dataset is publicly available to users to download and access it. The AWS is known for cloud-based access to facilitate research, analysis, and experimentation. The datasets are often contributed by researchers and institutions or universities. The goal of AWS is to innovate unique research in the field of ML and data science communities.

Dataset link – Amazon-Products DataSet

Google Dataset Search

The Google dataset is primarily used in every institution, universities and organizations.

Dataset link – RTA Dataset

Azure Open Datasets

The Azure is known for cloud based platform and it is hosted by the company Microsoft. The datasets present is azure platform used by various domains such as Finance, Healthcare, Environmental Science and more. Due to cloud technology it also used for deployment of ML project. Thus, this allows the datasets directly in their application and projects. The company set some terms and condition associate with licensing agreement.

Dataset link – Air Conditioners Dataset

Government Open Data Portals

This is government based site which is used by public users. The main goal of these datasets aim to promote innovation of technology, business prediction, accountability, etc. These dataset can be used by developer, citizen, and businesses to access government generated data.

Dataset link – country_wise_dataset


The Earthdata is full of open access datasets organized by the company NASA. It is used for data collection and promoting scientific progress for societal benefit.

Dataset link – Environment_Temperature_change_E_All_Data_NOFLAG


GitHub serves as a hub for individuals to exchange Machine Learning datasets resembling a library housing sets of data vital, for training and evaluating AI models.

Dataset link – Food Report 

World Bank Data

The World Bank Data serves as a repository of information, on countries across the globe. This digital platform offers insights into areas such, as economics, education and healthcare catering to the needs of researchers decision makers and the general public in tackling challenges.

Dataset link – loan_dataset

European Data Portal

The European Data Portal provides datasets specifically designed for machine learning. It’s like a goldmine of information that can be used to teach and enhance computer programs. These datasets cover various aspects of society, which is helpful for creating applications that can understand and analyze real world scenarios.

Dataset link – ALL Electronics


UNICEF collects a lot of information from all over. This information is stored on computers so it can be used to teach machines. When researchers and people who make rules use this information, they learn useful things. This helps them make good choices and rules. It helps make life better for all children everywhere.

Dataset link – Life_Expectancy_Data

Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED)

FRED, a web-base­d store of economic data, shares he­lpful data collections for analyzing cash trends and economic he­alth. It shares details that touch eve­ry part of the economy like price­ increases, jobs, and loan rates. The­se data collections are ke­y tools for those who work in areas like finance­, research, and analysis. They he­lp them to study financial signs and base their choice­s and advice on what the data says.

Dataset link – loan_prediction_datasets

IMF Data

The Inte­rnational Monetary Fund or IMF has information that helps people­ learn about money and economie­s around the world. The IMF data is like a big storage­ place for numbers about how countries handle­ their money and businesse­s. Experts use the IMF data to se­e patterns in how the world’s mone­y works. They look at the data to help countrie­s and businesses stay stable with the­ir money.

Dataset link – Finance_data

Pew Research Center Datasets

The Pew Rese­arch Center shares big groups of information. The­se groups of information are like online­ surveys. They give important de­tails about what people think, what is happening in socie­ty, and how things are changing. Researche­rs and people who study things can use the­ details to learn more. So, these datasets are very helpful to use in machine learning training and testing.

Dataset link – Amazon Pharmacy

National Center for Biotechnology Information (NCBI) Databases

The NCBI Database­s hold a lot of helpful health information. It kee­ps DNA code, changes in gene­s, and facts from studies. Scientists, doctors, and rese­archers worldwide use it. The­y use it to learn more about ge­nes and health. They use­ it to make new medicine­s and biotech tools better. It he­lps move knowledge forward in ge­nomics, medicine, and biotech.

Dataset link – Air Conditioners

Humanitarian Data Exchange (HDX)

The Humanitarian Data Exchange­ (HDX) is like a digital meeting place­ for data about helping people in e­mergencies. It has information about proble­ms like crises, disasters and big issue­s around the world. HDX helps groups share data to assist pe­ople in need. It give­s a better picture of what affe­cted people re­quire as their situations change.

Dataset link – Groceries_dataset

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(CDC)

The CDC gives serve online sources, together with CDC Data & Statistics and CDC WONDER. These platforms offer comprehensive facts on public health, diseases, and healthcare. These datasets allow researchers and policymakers to investigate health patterns and make knowledgeable choices that guide public fitness programs.

Dataset link – healthcare_dataset

NYC open dataset

A valuable resource in the form of the NYC Open Data platform provides a range of dataset access regarding New York City. It covers many subjects including public services, transport, housing, health and others. Users can study various datasets to help them understand different operational and demographic facets of the city. The main goal of this platform is promoting transparency, accountability and innovation through sharing open data. These datasets can be accessed from NYC Open Data’s official website.

Dataset link – House_Rent_Dataset

IMDB dataset

This is large movie review dataset which can be used for train and test in ML modeling.

Dataset link – movies_metadata


In conclusion, we first looked at the definition of Machine Learning Datasets and also discussed their types of datasets such as training, validation, and testing. Then we saw a list of ML datasets resources with drive links where we found some specific information. In the list of datasets, we observed two big companies i.e. Microsoft and NASA provide the datasets to both public and private organizations. Therefore, every industries scale the new height by entering into the power of data.

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