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Top 7 Big Data Applications with Examples in Real Life

Can you imagine the market value of big data analytics is expected to reach over $655 billion which is nearly double the value in 2023? Yes, Patterns and correlations hidden in massive data are no longer tedious to analyze and process. All thanks to Big Data! Big Data is one of the most powerful innovations in almost every industry. It plays a key role in planning future products, services, and whatnot. Approximately, 97% of businesses are investing in Big Data by 2022. Within just a decade it has grown to such a level that it has almost entered each aspect of our lifestyle like shopping, transportation, healthcare, and routine choices.

Big Data Applications with Examples in Real Life

The article will enhance knowledge on the practical use of Big Data applications in day-to-day real-life examples. This will give a better understanding of Big Data and its uses.

Big Data Application in Marketing

In the past, marketers emphasized TV, newspapers, and survey responses to ascertain customer’s responses to marketing campaigns. However, times have changed with evolving technology and companies now buy or gather a high volume of customer data to understand their behavior. Big data and marketing work in alignment with one another. Companies analyze past buying trends and consumer information to forecast buyer habits, market trends, and market moves. Here are some real-life examples of Big Data in marketing.

Big Data Application in Transportation

Big data controls the powerful GPS application in the smartphone on which most of us rely to get from one place to another in minimum time. GPS data sources include government agencies and satellite images. Airplanes generate massive data of around 1000 gigabytes for transatlantic flights. Aviation analytics consume all the data to analyze passenger or cargo weights, fuel efficiency, and weather conditions that promise travelers’ safety.

Big Data Application in Government

Government agencies collect huge volumes of data and analyze it using big data analytics applications. It helps the government to gain insights on financial procedures, tax theft, and legislation to help authorities in the best allocation of resources.

Big Data Application in Healthcare

Big data is making a significant impact in the healthcare industry. Various sensors and wearable devices collect patient data which is fed into patients’ electronic health records.

Big data in healthcare is mainly used for predicting epidemic outbreaks, maintaining electronic health records, preventing serious medical conditions, and analyzing medical images appropriately.

Big Data Application in Cybersecurity

Big Data analytics play a key role in cyber security by immediately identifying unusual web patterns of users suspecting cyber fraud. It is a great defense mechanism against cyber-attacks.

Big Data Application in Education

Students and teachers both benefit from big data analytics. Big data enables institutions to tailor academic programs according to the needs of individual students. Predictive data analysis gives an insight into a student’s real performance, their responses to programs, and the way they apply learning in real life. Big data has made voice-based learning that makes learning fast.

Big Data Application in Media and Entertainment

Using a huge volume of data and analysis, media and entertainment companies gain insights into what customers prefer to view or hear. Data helps in analyzing customer patterns and preferences. Big data enables companies to understand why users subscribe or unsubscribe. It helps in creating valuable promotional and product strategies to attract customers.

Big Data Application in Banking Sector

Big data has transformed various industries, and the banking sector is no exception. Here’s how big data applications are revolutionizing the banking industry:

Challenges and Consideration

Big data offers extensive solutions in almost every sector. However, it comes with challenges in implementing in real-time. The challenges demand immediate attention as failure to do so will fail data management. Here is a list of some significant big data challenges and considerations.

  1. Sharing Data: One of the biggest challenges in big data is the inaccessibility of various data sets from multiple sources. Accessing data from public authorities is quite challenging as it needs legal documents at the inter-intra-institutional level. Until and unless accurate and complete information is available, companies cannot apply big data analytics and gain meaningful insights from them.
  2. Security: Another challenge related to big data is privacy and security. Organizations spend more than a third of their big data budget on compliance owing to the risks related to big data security breaches.
  3. High Infrastructure Cost: A limited IT budget is another big challenge in applying big data. Implementing big data is expensive as it requires careful planning and involves high data projects and infrastructure costs. As the volume of data increases, management costs increase which might not pay off quickly.
  4. Scarce Talent: Lack of IT expertise in data management is another big challenge. The demand for data science specialists and analysts is accelerating day by day and exceeds the supply. There will be around 11.5 million data science jobs by 2026. This is because a greater number of companies are looking forward to investing in big data projects and competing for the best talent.
  5. Slow Insight Time: Time to insight is how quickly you can gain insight from data before it becomes obsolete. The problem is that data becomes old quickly but ineffective data management and bulky data pipelines result in getting useful information. In many cases, even a small delay in data analysis will make it of no use.

Big Data Applications with Examples in Real Life – FAQ’s

What are the 3 Vs of big data ?

  • Volume – It is the amount of data being collected.
  • Velocity – It is the speed at which data is put into the system and the speed at which data changes or updates over time.
  • Variety – It is the various formats in which data is available.

What are the different big data types?

  • Structured data – It includes alphanumeric characters translated into that are translated into a format fed into a data model that is predefined.
  • Semi-structured data – It has structure and organization to an extent but does not include rigid data schema.
  • Unstructured data – It is found in a variety of formats like text, images, binary data, and audio files. It does not have a consistent schema or structure.

Name the architecture layers in big data.

The major architecture layers in big data include data sources, data collection, data storage, data processing, data Analytics, data visualization and data security and monitoring.

What is the difference between data and big data?

Traditional data sets were measured in giga or terabytes. However, big data is called so not only because of its size but also volume. Big data is measured in peta, zetta, or exabytes and is huge in volume.

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