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Top 10 Open-Source LLM Models – Large Language Models

Large language models, or LLMs, are essential to the present revolution in generative AI. Language models and interpreters are artificial intelligence (AI) systems that are based on transformers, a potent neural architecture. They are referred to as “large” because they contain hundreds of millions, if not billions, of pre-trained parameters derived from a vast corpus of text data.

In this article, we’ll look at the Top 10 open-source LLMs that will be available in 2024. Even though ChatGPT and (proprietary) LLMs have only been around for a year, the open-source community has made significant progress, and there are now numerous open-source LLMs available for various applications. Read on to discover the most popular!

LLM Models open-source

Top Open-Source Large Language Models For 2024

The basic models of widely used and well-known chatbots, such as Google Bard and ChatGPT, are LLM. In particular, Google Bard is built on Google’s PaLM 2 model, whereas ChatGPT is driven by GPT-4, an LLM created and owned by OpenAI. The proprietary underlying LLM of ChatGPT, Bard, and numerous other well-known chatbots are shared by them. This indicates that they belong to a business and that clients can only use them with a license that they have purchased. Along with rights, that license may also impose limitations on how the LLM is used and provide access to certain technical details.

However, open-source LLMs are a parallel trend in the Large Language Model that is quickly gaining traction. Open-source LLMs promise to improve accessibility, transparency, and innovation in the rapidly expanding field of generative AI and LMMs in response to growing concerns about the opaque nature and restricted availability of proprietary LLMs, which Big Tech companies like Microsoft, Google, and Meta primarily control.

1. LLaMA 2

Most top LLM firms developed their programs discreetly. Meta stands out. Meta provided crucial information about LLaMA 2 and its powerful, open-source alternative. LLaMA 2, a 7–70 billion-parameter generative text model, finished in July 2023. This model is for business and study. The RLHF improved it. Construct and train this text generation model to teach the chatbot natural language. Meta provides open, customizable LLaMA 2, Chat, and Code Llama.



In 2022, Flourish developed BLOOM, an autoregressive Large Language Model (LLM) that generates text by extending a prompt using large amounts of textual data. Over 70 countries’ experts and volunteers developed the project in one year. The open-source LLM BLOOM model includes 176 billion parameters. It writes fluently and cohesively in 46 languages and 13 programming languages. BLOOM execution, evaluation, and improvement with training data and source code are public. Hugging Face users use BLOOM free.


3. BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers)

LLM technology relies on BERT (Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers) neural architecture. Google researchers released “Attention is All You Need.” in 2017. BERT was an early transformer test. The 2018 Google Language Model BERT is available as open-source software. It swiftly mastered natural language processing tasks.

Bert’s advanced early LLM development capabilities and open-source nature make it a popular Language Model (LLM). With Bert in 2020, Google Search is available in over 70 languages. Many pre-trained Bert models are open-source. These models help detect harmful comments, clinical notes, and sentiments.


4. Falcon 180B

The new Falcon 180B indicates that the difference between proprietary and open-source large language models is fast narrowing if the Falcon 40B, which ranked #1 on Hugging Face’s scoreboard for big language models, wasn’t already impressive to the open-source LLM community. Falcon 180B, which was made available by the Technology Innovation Institute of the United Arab Emirates in September 2023, is being trained using 3.5 trillion tokens and 180 billion parameters. Hugging Face indicates that Falcon 180B can compete with Google’s PaLM 2, the LLM that runs Google Bard, given its amazing processing capacity. Falcon 180B has already surpassed LLaMA 2 and GPT-3.5 in some NLP tasks.

It’s crucial to remember that Falcon 180B needs significant processing power to operate while being free for usage in both commercial and research settings.


5. OPT-175B

In 2022, Meta achieved a significant milestone with the publication of the Open Pre-trained Transformers Language Models (TLM), which was part of their aim to use open source to free the LLM race. OPT consists of a set of pre-trained transformers, decoder-only, with parameters ranging from 125M to 175B. The most potent brother is OPT-175B, an open-source LLM that is among the most sophisticated on the market and performs similarly to GPT-3. The public can access both the source code and the pre-trained models. But, you’d best think of another option if you’re planning to build an AI-driven business with LLMs, as OPT-175B is only available under a non-commercial license that permits the model’s use for research use cases.


6. XGen-7B

Businesses are entering the LLM race at an increasing rate. Salesforce was among the latest to enter the market, with the release of its XGen-7B LLM in July 2023. The authors claim that the majority of open-source LLMs concentrate on offering lengthy responses with scant details (i.e., brief prompts with little context). XGen-7B is an attempt to create a tool that can handle larger context windows. Specifically, the most sophisticated variation of XGen (XGen-7B-8K-base) supports an 8K context window—that is, the whole amount of text in both the input and output.

While XGen only utilizes 7B parameters for training—much fewer than most powerful open-source LLMs like LLaMA 2 or Falcon—efficiency is another top objective. Even though XGen is small in size, it can nonetheless produce excellent results. With the exception of the XGen-7 B-{4K,8K}-inst version, which was trained using instructional data and RLHF and is made available under a noncommercial license, the model is available for both commercial and research use.


7. GPT-NeoX and GPT-NeoX

Generated by scientists at the nonprofit AI research center EleutherAI, GPT-NeoX and GPT-J are two excellent open-source substitutes for GPT. There are 20 billion parameters in GPT-NeoX and 6 billion in GPT-J. These two LLMs are able to produce findings with a high degree of accuracy, even though the majority of advanced LLMs can be trained using more than 100 billion parameters. They can be used in many different domains and application situations because they were trained on 22 high-quality datasets from a variety of sources. GPT-NeoX and GPT-J, in contrast to GPT-3, have not been trained using RLHF.

GPT-NeoX and GPT-J can be used for any natural language processing activity, including research, marketing campaign planning, sentiment analysis, and text generation. With the NLP Cloud API, you can get both LLMs for free.


8. Vicuna 13-B

Using user-shared conversations collected from ShareGPT, the LLaMa 13B model was refined to create the open-source conversational model Vicuna-13B. Vicuna-13B is an intelligent chatbot with a plethora of uses; a few are shown below in various industries, including customer service, healthcare, education, finance, and travel/hospitality. According to an initial assessment using GPT-4 as a judge, Vicuna-13B surpassed other models such as LLaMa and Alpaca in more than 90% of cases, attaining over 90% quality of ChatGPT and Google Bard.


9. YI 34B

YI 34B China’s 01 AI developed a new language model called Yi 34B. Right now, this model holds the top spot on the Hugging Face Open LLM leaderboard. The company’s goal is to develop bilingual models that are capable of speaking Chinese and English. The model may now be trained on up to 32K tokens, compared to its original 4K token context window.

It’s impressive that the company recently released a 200,000 token version of the 34B model. These models can be licensed for commercial usage and are available for research purposes. With 3 trillion tokens under its belt, the 34B model excels in arithmetic and coding. Benchmarks for both the supervised fine-tuned conversation models and the base models have been made available by the company. There are multiple 4-bit and 8-bit versions available for the model.


10. Mixtral 8x7B

Mixtral 8x7B, unveiled by Mistral AI in December 2023, is a decoder-only sparse mixture-of-experts network licensed under Apache 2.0. It outperforms LLaMA 2 and GPT 3.5 on various benchmarks despite having a smaller parameter size. With only 12.9 billion parameters per token out of a total of 46.7 billion, Mixtral achieves comparable processing rates to a 12.9B model.

It’s ranked among the top 10 LLMs by the Hugging Face Open LLM Leaderboard, excelling in benchmarks like ARC, HellaSwag, MMLU, and TruthfulQA. Mixtral offers 6 times faster inference than LLaMA 2 70B and outperforms GPT 3.5 in most areas except for the Mt Bench score. It exhibits less bias on the BBQ benchmark and boasts multilingual capabilities in English, French, Italian, German, and Spanish. Mistral AI continually enhances Mixtral’s linguistic capabilities to cater to a diverse range of applications and users.


Comparison of Popular LLM Models

Here’s a Comparison of Popular LLM Models:

Model/Model Family Name Created By Sizes Versions Pretraining Data Fine-tuning and Alignment Details License What’s Interesting Architectural Notes
LLaMA 2 EleutherAI Not Specified 2 Large-scale text corpora Not specified MIT License Advanced language understanding and generation capabilities Architecture enhancements from LLaMA
BLOOM Google Research Not Specified Not Specified Large-scale text corpora Advanced fine-tuning techniques Apache License 2.0 Efficiency and scalability Cutting-edge algorithms for text summarization
BERT Google Various (e.g., BERT-base, BERT-large) Multiple Large-scale text corpora Extensive fine-tuning options Apache License 2.0 Bidirectional context understanding Bidirectional Encoder Representations from Transformers
Falcon 180B Not specified 180 billion parameters Not Specified Large-scale text corpora Robust architecture Not specified Superior learning capabilities Massive parameter size
OPT-175B Not specified 175 billion parameters Not Specified Large-scale text corpora State-of-the-art fine-tuning Not specified Precision and efficiency Remarkable fluency and coherence
XGen-7B Not specified 7 billion parameters Not Specified Large-scale text corpora Versatile fine-tuning strategies Not specified Versatility and adaptability Proficiency in diverse NLP tasks
GPT-NeoX/J OpenAI Not Specified Not Specified Large-scale text corpora Community-driven improvements MIT License Rivaling proprietary models Continuous community-driven development
Vicuna 13-B Not specified 13 billion parameters Not Specified Large-scale text corpora Focused fine-tuning strategies Not specified Efficiency and accuracy Customizable parameters and fine-tuning capabilities
YI 34B Not specified 34 billion parameters Not Specified Large-scale text corpora Extensive fine-tuning options Not specified Massive parameter size Superior performance in language-related tasks
Mixtral 8x7B Not specified 8×7 billion parameters Not Specified Large-scale text corpora Innovative training strategies Not specified Blend of performance and efficiency Accessibility and ease of use

How to Choose right Open-Source LLM ?

Choosing the right open-source Large Language Model (LLM) involves considering several factors to ensure that it aligns with your specific needs and requirements. Here’s a guide on how to choose the right open-source LLM:

1. Define Your Use Case:

2. Evaluate Model Capabilities:

3. Examine Model Architecture and Features:

4. Consider Scalability and Efficiency:

5. Community Support and Documentation:

6. Licensing and Legal Considerations:

7. Experiment and Benchmark:

8. Plan for Future Growth:

By considering these factors and conducting thorough evaluations, you can choose the right open-source LLM that best fits your requirements and empowers you to leverage advanced language processing capabilities effectively.


The movement of open-source LLMs is quite interesting. Given their quick development, it appears that large companies with the resources to create and employ these potent instruments won’t always control the generative AI market.

There are far more open-source LLMs than the ten that we have examined so far, and they are expanding quickly. We will keep you updated on the most recent developments in the LLM industry by offering tutorials, articles, and courses.

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