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The Road to Success and the Road to Failure Are Almost Exactly the Same – Colin R. Davis

The famous quote “The road to success and the road to failure are almost exactly the same.” by Colin R. Davis stands very true to its meaning. Both success and failure make a person go through a similar journey for both the paths are paved with challenges and hardships. Even the most successful people in the world have had their fair share of struggles and hardships in their journey before they achieved success.

Nothing comes easy and success definitely does not, for it’s a sweet fruit that is only received after walking through a path full of thorns. That’s why it is said that both success and failure make you walk through almost the same path!

Here are different contexts that prove that the road to success and failure look exactly the same.

Challenges and Hardships

Both the road to success and the road to failure are filled with a number of challenges and hardships. Both these paths require you to tackle numerous obstacles in either of the two ways. One way is to keep going, breaking the barriers and finding the solutions to the difficulties. Another way is to give up soon after facing challenges instead of constantly trying. If you choose the former way, you are most probably on the path to success while the latter describes the path to failure.

To be able to achieve success you will have to possess confidence and self-belief that push you to take up new challenges with grace and make your way to achieving your goals. Even after trying if you fail to reach your goals, you reach failure thus making both these paths similar to one another.

Adaptability to Dynamic Circumstances

The ability to adapt to changing situations counts deeply as an important factor in making both paths similar. How much you are keen to give in, and how much effort you put in to overcome your fears and your shortcomings in order to move forward and achieve your goals is what makes your journey to success more beautiful and noteworthy.

Pivoting as and when needed is a crucial part of any journey, especially if you want to achieve your goals. If you do not try to adapt to the changing scenarios, you will only be left behind ending up choosing failure!

Persistence and the Mindset

It won’t be wrong to say that success and failure are the two sides of the same coin and which one will land in your favor depends on your diligent hard work and self-confidence. If you stay persistent to keep going ahead facing the obstacles and tackling the problems with your positive and sharp mindset, it will help you make success yours. It’s the mindset that makes one believe in oneself and attain triumph. On the other side, if you give up sooner with a mindset that keeps telling you that you can’t do it or you do not have the capability to do this will lead you to failure.

Your Choices Influence the Path

What choices you make ultimately pave your journey, either to success or to failure. Planning your journey is crucial as it has the greatest influence on your ultimate destination.

If you choose to keep thriving, working hard, maintaining a positive attitude, and believing in yourself always, it plays a greater role in making the success yours.

On the other hand, if you do not work towards your goals, choose to procrastinate, make laziness your friend, and make other poor choices one after the other will lead you to give up sooner than ever, helping you choose the path to failure.

That’s how both success and failure have similar pathways. The only difference that lies is that in case of failure, the person has already given up on moving forward. In the case of achieving success, instead of giving up, people learn from their failures and move forward toward their goals.

That’s also the reason why the road to success is always longer than that of failure! It is your choices that will make you lead the right or wrong path.


When a person starts their journey to achieve their goals, whether they will succeed or fail is hard to guess. It completely depends on the choices you make along the journey and the way you face the challenges. Only if you keep trying and moving ahead you’ll be able to reach your goals and secure achievements. That’s why thriving and believing in yourself always plays a greater role in your success.

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