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Thanksgiving Day 2024 Date, History and Quotes

Thanksgiving Day 2024 Celebrations: As we approach Thanksgiving Day 2023, the excitement for a day filled with tradition, gratitude, and family activities is palpable. This year, delve into an array of Thanksgiving Day recipes 2023, perfect for crafting your festive feast, from the classic Thanksgiving Day turkey preparation to innovative Thanksgiving dinner ideas 2023. Join in the jubilation of the Thanksgiving Parade 2023, a spectacle of floats and festivities that mark the holiday spirit.

We’ll explore the rich Thanksgiving Day history, reflecting on the origins and evolution of this cherished day. Embrace the joy of family and community with engaging Thanksgiving Day family activities, from traditional games and crafts to volunteer opportunities, embodying the spirit of giving. And for those planning to travel, our Thanksgiving Day travel tips 2023 will ensure your holiday journey is as smooth as your gravy. Whether you’re hosting a grand dinner or attending vibrant Thanksgiving Day events in 2023, this guide is your companion to celebrating Thanksgiving Day with warmth, joy, and a touch of nostalgia.

Thanksgiving Day 2024

Thanksgiving Day Date 2024

Thanksgiving is a national holiday in the USA and Canada. In 2024, Thanksgiving Day will be celebrated on Thursday, 28th November, 2024. Every year, It is celebrated on the 4th Thursday of November since 1941. Therefore, the exact date for the holiday changes each year. Following are Thanksgiving day dates for upcoming years.


USA Thanksgiving Day Date

Canadian Thanksgiving Day Date


Thursday, November 28

Monday, October 14


Thursday, November 27

Monday, October 13


Thursday, November 26

Monday, October 12

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Thanksgiving Day History

2023 Thanksgiving Date: There is a long history behind Thanksgiving Day. The credit for establishing Thanksgiving as a national holiday goes to a remarkable woman named Sarah Josepha Hale, a talented writer who held a deep passion for the occasion. Hale tirelessly wrote numerous newspaper editorials and letters to governors, presidents, and other leaders, urging them to make Thanksgiving an official national holiday.

Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November because it is an official holiday in the United States, and by law, Thanksgiving Day is celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November. This law was passed by Congress in 1941.

In 1863, Abraham Lincoln finally responded her call and he proclaimed the last Thursday in November as a day for the entire nation as Thanksgiving an official national holiday where they come together, asking God to watch over those who had suffered due to the Civil War and to heal the wounds of the nation.

In 1939, President Franklin D. Roosevelt moved Thanksgiving Day to the second-to-last Thursday of November in order to give retailers more time for holiday shopping and enjoyment. Later in 1941, Congress passed a law making Thanksgiving Day the fourth Thursday of November. Since then, we’ve continued to celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in November till the date.

Why does Thanksgiving always fall on the 4th Thursday of November?

Historians believe that American President Lincoln choose that specific day because the first national day of gratitude, initiated by George Washington to commemorate the nation’s triumph in the Revolutionary War, fell on Thursday, November 26, 1789. Presidents James Madison and John Adams had previously designated similar days of Thanksgiving, but it wasn’t until Lincoln’s proclamation that it became an official national holiday.

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In 1939, for economic reasons, Franklin D. Roosevelt shifted Thanksgiving to the second-to-last Thursday in November. This move took place during the depths of the Great Depression when retailers were facing significant challenges.

However, this change did not sit well with the Americans who mockingly referred to Thanksgiving as “Franksgiving.” Ultimately, Roosevelt reverted the date to the last Thursday in November 1941. This decision has remained unchanged, and we’ve continued to celebrate Thanksgiving on the fourth Thursday in November ever since.

Thanksgiving Becomes a National Holiday!

In 1863, President Abraham Lincoln decided to have a national Thanksgiving Day to be celebrated across America in November. The first Thanksgiving was marked for a little different cause than a harvest celebration—in honor of adopting the new United States Constitution! President George Washington proclaimed the 26th of November 1789, declaring the 26th of November as a “Day of Public Thanksgiving” to recognize the importance of Providence in creating the newly formed United States and the new federal Constitution.

Washington began his second presidency and the nation had just won its victory in the Revolutionary War. Washington encouraged the citizens in America and to the United States to thank God for giving them “an opportunity peaceably to establish a form of government for their safety and happiness.” It was the first time that Thanksgiving was observed in the newly-created Constitution.

Thanksgiving Day in Canada

Thanksgiving Day in Canada is observed on the Second Monday in October and has different beginnings than the American holiday. The first Thanksgiving supper was held in what is now Canada in 1578 by English explorer Martin Frobisher and his crew to thank God for granting them safe passage across the New World’s wilds.

To celebrate, Canadians frequently gather with family and friends. Thanksgiving meal traditions are comparable to those of their American neighbors: turkey, stuffing, potatoes, and cranberry sauce are all typical. Add some maple syrup for a truly Canadian touch! Recipes for Maple Syrup can be found here.

Since the weather hasn’t turned bad yet, many Canadians go outside for a pleasant walk or meander in the woods while Canadian football is on television. Everyone is appreciative of the crop!

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Thanksgiving Day in India

Thanksgiving day in India is not widely celebrated. However, it is celebrated in some parts of Goa. Although some similar festivals like Makar Sankranti, Pongal, Onam etc. is celebrated as a thanks giving day in India.

Why is Thanksgiving celebrated?

Thanksgiving 2024 Celebrations: The origins of Thanksgiving day history is related back to the early days of European settlement in North America. In 1621, a group of English peasants held a harvest feast to celebrate their first successful crop yield. This festival is quite popular in North America and Canada.

Thanksgiving Customs

People celebrate Thanksgiving for a variety of reasons these days. Some people still use it as an opportunity to give thanks to a higher power, for the harvest, or their family; others use it as a chance to spend time together, whether that family is there in person or digitally, over a special meal.

A hearty turkey feast has become the standard Thanksgiving cuisine, with more than 90% of Americans eating the bird on this holiday. But did realize that turkey was formerly considered a delicacy? An eight- to ten-pound fowl cost a day’s wages in the 1830s!

Thanksgiving Day Controversy

Based on historical accounts, the feast that the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag people shared was abundant and peaceful. After much privation, the Pilgrims threw a festive feast for their Native American allies as a token of appreciation for a fruitful harvest. It’s also a tale of harmony, teamwork, and trust. Both parties have a long-standing and important custom of giving thanks.

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How to Celebrate Thanksgiving Day?

For those in the United States, Thanksgiving is celebrated on 4th Thursday of November. Here are some suggestions for how to celebrate Thanksgiving spend time with your family and friends, and show gratitude for all you are blessed with:

Host a Thanksgiving-themed dinner

Making a traditional Thanksgiving dinner is among the most popular Thanksgiving Day Activities 2023. inviting family and friends over to sit down at the table for a tasty spread of stuffing, turkey, and pumpkin pie is a part of this. To make it more memorable add some classic meals from your family. Make sure to decorate the table with fall decor to give the party the feeling of a celebration.

Participate as a Volunteer at a Neighbourhood Shelter

Giving back to our communities is what we should do on Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving meal service is a great way to give back to the community and express thankfulness for what we have. Many shelters and food banks require volunteers to help serve meals to people in need. Before Thanksgiving, you can also give the shelter clothing and non-perishable food donations.

Establish a New Custom

Thanksgiving is a time to spend with loved ones making new memories. Establish a new custom, like a pie-making contest or a family football game.

In addition to strengthening relationships with loved ones, this will add excitement and memories to Thanksgiving. Another way to turn Thanksgiving into a day of service is to visit a nearby nursing home and cheer up the patients, or you may organize a community clean-up.

Top 10 Quotes for Thanksgiving Day

Here are 10 inspiring quotes for Thanksgiving Day, capturing the essence of gratitude, togetherness, and the joy of the season:

1. “What you appreciate appreciates in return.” – Maya Angelou

This powerful quote reminds us that cultivating an attitude of gratitude amplifies the good things in our lives.

2. “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more.” – Melinda Gates

Gratitude helps us find contentment and appreciate what we already have, making life feel richer and more abundant.

3. “Thanksgiving is a pause in the ordinary pace of life where we gather to be grateful for those blessings which we normally take for granted.” – G.K. Chesterton

This quote emphasizes the importance of slowing down and savoring the simple blessings that often go unnoticed in our daily rush.

4. “A thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but the parent of all other virtues.” – Cicero

Gratitude acts as a foundation for cultivating other positive qualities like generosity, humility, and compassion.

5. “Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

This quote inspires us to embrace the spirit of Thanksgiving by making a difference in the world and creating new avenues for gratitude.

6. “Let us be grateful to the people who make us happy; they are charming gardeners who make our souls blossom.” – Marcel Proust

Thanksgiving reminds us to cherish the people who bring joy and meaning to our lives, expressing our appreciation for their presence.

7. “For it is not what we have, but who we have that makes life rich.” – Douglas William Jerrold

This quote reminds us that true blessings lie not in material possessions, but in the love and connection we share with our loved ones.

8. “One cannot thank a single leaf for being so perfect, nor a single bird for the beauty of its flight. Gratitude thrives only on abundance.” – Joseph Wood Krutch

Gratitude flourishes when we recognize the multitude of blessings surrounding us, not just individual instances.

9. “Let us be thankful for the crumbs of kindness; it is the little things that make life sweet.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson

Thanksgiving encourages us to appreciate the small kindnesses and everyday moments that contribute to our overall happiness.

10. “Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today, and creates a vision for tomorrow.” – Melody Beattie

With gratitude, we can learn from the past, find peace in the present, and approach the future with optimism and hope.

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FAQs on Thanksgiving Day 2024

1. When is Thanksgiving Day in 2023?

Thanksgiving Day in 2023 will be celebrated on Thursday, November 23rd. It always falls on the fourth Thursday of November.

2. What are some common traditions associated with Thanksgiving Day?

Common traditions include family gatherings, feasting on turkey and other dishes, expressing gratitude, watching football games, and the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade.

3. How can I safely thaw a turkey for Thanksgiving?

To safely thaw a turkey, you can use the refrigerator method, cold water method, or microwave. The refrigerator method is the safest, requiring 24 hours for every 4-5 pounds of turkey.

4. Are there any stores open on Thanksgiving Day?

Store openings on Thanksgiving Day vary. Some stores remain open for limited hours, while others may stay closed. It’s best to check with individual stores for their holiday hours.

5. What is the history behind Thanksgiving Day?

Thanksgiving Day originated as a harvest festival. It commemorates the 1621 feast shared by the Pilgrims of Plymouth and the Wampanoag people.

6. How is the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade organized?

The Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade is a famous event featuring giant balloons, floats, marching bands, and performances. It takes place in New York City and is broadcasted nationwide.

7. What are some popular dishes served on Thanksgiving?

Popular dishes include roasted turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, cranberry sauce, pumpkin pie, and various side dishes.

8. How can I participate in Thanksgiving Day celebrations?

You can participate by preparing a meal, joining family gatherings, volunteering, or engaging in community events.

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