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Tensor Broadcasting

Tensor broadcasting is a concept of array processing libraries like TensorFlow and NumPy, it allows for implicit element-wise operations between arrays of different shapes. In this article, we will learn about tensor broadcasting, it's significance and steps to perform tensor broadcasting.

Tensor Broadcasting

Significance of Tensor Broadcasting in Array Operations



We know that Vector is a 1D array and Matrix is a 2D array and scaler is 0D array. Tensor is Multi-dimensional Array used to store many Arrays in its multiple dimensions, and we can say that Vector is a 1-dimension tensor and Matrix is a 2-dimension tensor and scalar is of 0 dimension.

Example of 2D tensor:

tensor_2d =tf.constant([ [1,  2 , 3 ],
[4, 4, 5 ],
[7, 8 ,8 ] ] )

Compatible Shape

Compatible shapes refers to the shape of the tensors which follow certain conditions which lead us to perform elementwise Arithmetic operations of our tensors. Some conditions to meat the compatible shapes are :-

The tensor shapes which don't follow the above conditions are non-compatible shapes.

Element-Wise operation

This is performed between two or more tensors. The element of the tensor T1 should add, subtract, divide, multiply with corresponding element of the tensor T2 having the same Compatible shape as the tensor T2, this is called the Element -wise operation with the resulting tensor of same shape as T1 and T2.

The condition for Elementwise operation is that they both should have compatible shapes as each other.

We can apply Broadcasting to the compatible shapes only , broadcasting can't be applied to non-compatible shapes.

Now let's deep dive into the examples , rules and steps needed to perform tensor broadcasting.

Step by step process to perform Tensor Broadcasting

1. Different Shapes:

When the two tensors are having different shapes, they can be broadcasted to perform arithmetic operations, when their shapes are compatible.

As we discussed above the conditions for any tensor's shape to be compatible are-


import tensorflow as tf

T1 = tf.constant([[1, 2, 8],          # Shape: (2, 3)
                   [4, 7, 6]])

T2 = tf.constant([[7, 8, 10]])        # Shape: (1, 3)

# T2 is compatible so broadcasting it to match the size of shape of T1
# Ranks of both the tensors are 2

# Performing arithmetic operation
T3 = T1 + T2


[[ 8 10 18]
[11 15 16]], shape=(2, 3), dtype=int32)

Now, this T1 and T2 can be used to perform any elementary operations

2. Different Ranks

When the two tensors have different ranks or the tensors are of different dimensions. In which one tensor is of lower dimension and other is of higher dimension.

One of the tensor Rank is 1: If the tensor has Singleton dimension i.e. the dimension of size 1 . It is considered to have size 1 along missing dimension of T2.

import tensorflow as tf

# Tensor T1: 
T1 = tf.constant([[1, 2, 3],      #Rank 2 , shape(2,3)  
              [4, 5, 6]])

# Tensor T2: 
T2 = tf.constant([20, 40, 50])    #Rank 1 ,shape(3,)

# Broadcasting T2 to shape (2, 3) to match T1
#arithmetic operation


[[21 42 53]
[24 45 56]], shape=(2, 3), dtype=int32)

Broadcasted form of T2 will be of Rank 2 and shape (3,2)

One of the tensors Rank 0 (Scaler): Scalar is a tensor of Rank 0 and can be broadcasted along its size to match the size of the higher dimensional tensor to perform elementwise operation.

import tensorflow as tf
T1 =tf.constant([[1, 2, 3],      # Rank 2 , shape (2,3)
              [4, 5, 8]])
T2 =tf.constant (20)           # Rank 0 , shape()
#arithmetic operation
T3 =T1+T2


[[21 22 23]
[24 25 28]], shape=(2, 3), dtype=int32)

Now this is the broadcasted tensor and elementwise operations can be performed on it now.

Both tensors Rank is of higher dimensions:

Given below the example of two tensors, T1 is the tensor of higher rank and T2 the tensor of lower rank. And broadcasting will be performed on the T2.

import tensorflow as tf

# tensor T1
T1 =tf. constant([[[10, 11],   #Rank 3 and shape(2,3,2)
                   [20, 20],
                   [30, 30]],
                 [ [40, 41],
                   [50, 50],
                   [60, 60]   ]])

# tensor T2
T2= tf.constant([[1, 2, 3],    # Rank 2 and shape (2,3)
                 [4, 5, 6]])

#Adding new axis to T2 by .expand_dims() at its trailing end
broadcasted_T2 = tf.expand_dims(T2, axis=-1)

# arithmetic operation
T3=broadcasted_T2+ T1


[[[11 12]
[22 22]
[33 33]]

[[44 45]
[55 55]
[66 66]]], shape=(2, 3, 2), dtype=int32)

Now this is the broadcasted tensor and element wise operations can be performed on it now.

Applications of Tensor Broadcasting

Tensor Broadcasting is widely used in the Machine learning, deep learning and Data analysis applications etc. where there involve the operations between the tensors of different shapes, sizes and dimensions.

  1. Image Processing: Images are multi-dimensional arrays of pixels. When we apply different filters, transformations, resolutions, color contrasts to a image different pixel values of different tensors to adjusts them in different resolutions, dimensions while performing different operations on the image. Technique of Tensor Broadcasting helps in performing these operations easily by aligning different dimensions and shapes of tensors of images. resizing, changing color from RGB to greyscale. Tensor Broadcasting extends or compress images to smaller or larger resolutions and also preserving the content of the image.
  2. Signal preprocessing: Like images signals are also multi-dimensional, speech recognition & classification are the signal of 1-dimensional, Radar signals used for detecting and tracking signal in these are multi-dimensional. When we apply filters, transformations & feature extraction operations on signals of different lengths, Broadcasting of tensor helps to do these tasks easily by systematically aligning these signals in different dimensions.
  3. Data Analysis operations: When we analyze and manipulate the data by applying different operations such as data cleaning, transformations and feature engineering on datasets of different shapes and sizes, tensor broadcasting helps in performing these operations more smoothly because we know tensors will be involving in this operation which might be of different in sizes, shapes and dimensions. Tensor broadcasting handles these tensors in these complex operations of large datasets.

These are just few applications of tensor broadcasting but there are even more wide range of applications of these techniques as it helps in many different to handles the operations related to multi-dimensional arrays.


This was all about broadcasting in the tensors and these techniques are all applicable to libraries like NumPy, TensorFlow and PyTorch as well. So basically we 've learned through out the article that if both the tensor have exactly equal shape then there will be no problem in the elementwise operations but if shapes are not same and also Ranks are different then we have to make them in the compatible shape . By making them in the compatible shape broadcasting can be easily applied to perform the tasks.

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