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Tek Systems Interview Experience

There was an on-campus drive of Tek system in our college.

Recruitment Process:

(1)Quantitative + Technical Round:-

In this round there were five sections in a total duration of 90 minutes: Around 10 aptitude questions, 5 picture representation puzzles, 5 verbal, 5 technical and 1 coding question.
Aptitude questions were of medium difficulty, Picture puzzles were a bit tricky, Verbal included word meanings, synonyms and arrangement of sentences in correct order of medium level, technical was also medium, but the coding question was a bit too hard and that too in only 30 minutes. It was a hard difficulty level problem but the good part was that it had only 3 test cases. So I managed to pass a single hidden test case and managed to qualify for the next round.
Just start coding because time allotted is very less. Don’t think of the complexity of the solution and apply the brute force approach if the question is way too hard.

(2)GD round:-

Only 30 students were selected for the second round out of 300 appeared. Second round was a GD round.Just wait for an opportunity to speak. Don’t speak irrelevant and don’t speak or shout too much and everything will work fine.

(3)Technical Interview 1:-

Only 10 students were selected for the interview round which happened 2 days later.
It was my first interview experience so I was a bit nervous. But the interviewers were cool and everything went smooth. She was impressed with my resume and was satisfied.Then based on your resume, she was asking about your skills and questions related to your preferable language and basic coding questions like find the frequency of all the characters in a string etc.

(4)Technical Interview 2:-

This round was a mix of technical + managerial round. I entered in the room and he greeted me well, shakes hands and was making me feel comfortable.Then he started asking questions about myself, my family and hobbies etc.[Impressed]
Then he asked me about my projects and was impressed by one of my projects. Later he asked me about whom you look up to? answered and he was smiling and was giving satisfied expressions.

(5)”The HR Round” :-

This was the best round I have faced yet. The good part of the panels was they were sharing the information about the candidates to the next panel so that the interviewer had some prior knowledge about you before beginning with. In our case, our resume was circulated in the panels which also included our performance in the respective rounds.
She started asking about myself, then my family, their professions(in my case I have a family business) so why do you want to be a software engineer, whom are you more attached in your family. I replied mom then why? Why not your dad and siblings, replied. Gave her the logic that boys are generally more attached to their mom and girls are to their dad. She didn’t agreed and said with that logic tell me whom am I more attached to?? She told me about her family members. I started with dad…NO!, your elder sister..NO!, younger sister…NO!, (and this was the last possible option I can answer) then your mother..NOO!, then I literally feel pathetic for myself when she replied..”I AM NOT ATTACHED TO ANYONE!!!”.

After the whole day tiring process results were announced and only 9 people were selected in the pool out of around 70 candidates qualified from different colleges.
And only 1 candidate was selected from my college. Everyone was happy and satisfied after giving the interview and there was no such shortlisting of students between the rounds. So everyone had a ray of hope for themselves.But at the end people were merely selected on the basis of their communication and hardly on technical basis.

P.s :-
I went to last HR round but still not selected. And the best part of the interviewers was that they don’t make you feel that you won’t be selected, they will greet you so well and make you feel so comfortable that you can’t think of being rejected.

~Rishit Tandon

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