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TCS Interview Experience | Set 22 (On Campus)

TCS has completely changed the pattern from 2016 – 17 onwards.

There are the following rounds

I gave TCS on campus Placement November 29th 2017. Most of my friends had suggested CampusGate website. I mugged up around 500 questions and not even 1 question came from the website.

They have changed the whole pattern and CampusGate hasn’t updated their website in the last 6 years(as seen from last updated section on each page’s footer). So it will be a total waste to study from CampusGate. If you want to study for TCS I will rather suggest PrepInsta website one of my friends had studied from there and fortunately for him the whole paper and even values of the options were same.

Round 1:

Email Writing section was 10 mins

Quants of 40 mins with 20 questions

Then Computer Science Basics MCQ for 20 mins

Now the most important is part is the coding section, I observed anyone who hadn’t got the complete output in coding section even though they had scored well in other three section, he was not selected.

Thus it is very crucial to get output in the coding section. Now that is hard since you don’t have to code in C or C++ they have their own compiler where you can only use command line Arguments language. You can find Command Line Arguments questions for TCS on Google.

Also, they give a little introduction about command line language before taking the test which you can read for 10 mins and start coding it is 60% similar to C but scanf getch cin other functions are operated differently.

If you don’t get output in command link 90% you’re not going to be selected.

Round 2:

If you clear the previous round you’re going to be selected 99%. In the technical interview, they just ask basic tech question related to what you’ve put on your CV or Resume.

Round 3:

In HR round they ask basic HR questions and they just check if you can speak English because eventually you will have to speak to the foreign client in US or other countries on skype and they want to test that.

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