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TCS Digital Interview Experience

Interview Experience: TCS Digital Technical Interview

I recently gave the TCS Digital technical interview, and I want to share my experience with others who may be preparing for similar interviews. The interview consisted of several technical questions, and I’ll describe some of them below.

Machine Learning
One of the questions I was asked was about machine learning. I explained that machine learning is a type of artificial intelligence that allows computers to learn from data and make predictions or decisions based on that data. I gave examples of how machine learning is used in real-world applications, such as image recognition, speech recognition, and recommendation systems. I also discussed linear regression and other methods used in machine learning.

Converting Excel Files
Another question I was asked was about converting Excel files to CSV files using Python and what library to use. I explained how to use panda’s library in Python to read an Excel file and convert it to a CSV file. I also discussed the importance of data format conversion in data analysis and processing.

ACID Properties of DBMS
The interviewer also asked me about the ACID properties of DBMS. I explained that ACID stands for Atomicity, Consistency, Isolation, and Durability and that these properties ensure that database transactions are processed reliably. I gave examples of how these properties can be used to maintain the integrity of a database and prevent data corruption.

Recent Technological Trends
Another question I was asked was about recent technological trends. I discussed the growing popularity of cloud computing, big data analytics, and artificial intelligence. I also discussed the impact of these trends on various industries and the opportunities they present for innovation and growth.

Support Position
Finally, the HR representative asked me about being placed in a support position and whether it would be a waste of my knowledge. I explained how I would use my knowledge to provide effective support to customers or colleagues. I also discussed the importance of continuous learning and growth in any position.

Overall, my TCS Digital technical interview was a challenging and rewarding experience. I learned a lot about machine learning, database management, and current technological trends. To prepare for similar technical interviews, I recommend practicing coding and reviewing computer science concepts regularly. I also recommend keeping up with the latest trends and technologies in the industry to demonstrate a strong understanding of the field. Lastly, it’s important to remember to be confident and to communicate effectively during the interview to showcase your skills and knowledge.

In conclusion, the TCS Digital technical interview was a valuable experience that allowed me to showcase my technical skills and knowledge. The questions were challenging but manageable, and the panel members were professional and supportive. I hope that this blog post will provide some insights into what to expect during a technical interview and offer some guidance to those preparing for similar interviews. Remember to stay confident, communicate effectively, and demonstrate your passion for technology to make a strong impression on your interviewers. 

Good luck with your future interviews!

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