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How to Tag People on Your Instagram Story After You Post It

Instagram provides a great feature called “Story,” which allows users to post daily updates, new products, casual pictures, and many more items for 24 hours. By posting a story, followers can interact by reacting to the story, sending a message, or liking it. One of the most appealing features of a story is that it allows users to tag other Instagram users or brands and let them know that you have tagged them in a story.

Tagging someone on Instagram is a great way to give them credit or highlight their involvement in your story. It can also increase engagement and reach among your followers and the person you tag. So get to know how you can tag people on your Instagram story after you post it.

Read this detailed article to learn How to Tag someone on your Instagram Story After you post it.

What does Tagging on Instagram Stories mean?

Instagram tagging is a useful feature that enables users to tag other users, accounts, or brands in their posts and stories. This can be done by using the “@” symbol, followed by the username of the account you wish to tag. When someone is tagged in a post or story, they will receive a notification, and the post or story will also be displayed on their profile under the “tagged” section.

There are several benefits to using Instagram tagging on post:

1. Enhanced visibility: By tagging other accounts in your post, you can increase the visibility of your content to a wider audience.

2. Relationship building: Tagging other accounts in your post can help build relationships and collaborations with other users and brands.

3. Increased engagement: Tagging other accounts in your post can boost engagement, as the tagged account is likely to interact with the post and share it with their followers.

4. Sponsored content: By tagging a brand in your post, you can improve your chances of being chosen for sponsored content opportunities.

5. Enhanced visibility: Tagging other accounts in your post can boost your account’s visibility, making it simpler for individuals to locate your account.

6. Networking opportunities: Tagging other accounts in your post can open doors for networking opportunities, as it allows you to connect with like-minded individuals and industry professionals.

7. Increased credibility: Tagging reputable accounts in your post can enhance your credibility, as it shows that you are associated with well-known brands or individuals in your industry.

8. Viral potential: Tagging other accounts in your post can increase the chances of your content going viral, as it can be shared and re-shared by the tagged accounts and their followers.

How to Tag People on Your Instagram Story After You Post it?

Creating an interactive and engaging Instagram story requires time and effort. In order to get the most out of an Instagram story, many users spend hours creating the perfect story for their followers. However, during this process, it is easy to type in the wrong username of the tagged person or just forget to tag some people. To help with this issue, Instagram came up with a new feature that allows users to tag other users and brands after publishing a story.

Method: Editing your story

Step 1: Add an Instagram story by clicking the (+) sign on the bottom on the screen.

Step 2: Open your story by tapping on your profile picture at the top-left corner of the Instagram app.

Step 3: Tap on the three dots (…) which says ‘more’ under it, at the bottom-right corner of your story.

Step 4: Select the “Add mention” option. This will give you a list of accounts that you can tag in your story.

Step 5: Select that account that you want to tag and click ‘Add’.

Step 6: Once you have tagged the person, you will get a pop-up at the button of your screen to notify you that an account has been tagged.

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How to Mention in the Comments of an Instagram Post?

If you want to mention someone in the comments of an Instagram post, follow these steps:

Step 1: Open the post you want to comment on by tapping on it.

Step 2: Scroll down to the comments section below the post.

Step 3: Type the ‘@’ symbol followed by the username of the person you want to mention.

Step 4: Instagram will display a list of suggestions as you type. Select the appropriate username.

Step 5: The mentioned username will now appear as a clickable link in your comment.

Conclusion – How to Tag People on Your Instagram Story After You Post It

Tagging people in your story is a major aspect of posting stories, especially for social media influencers and brands. Tagging helps users to increase views, boost engagement, improve credibility, and allow networking opportunities. With the help of the tag features, users can share stories and select certain user’s attention by tagging them. Instagram offers various ways to tag other users in the story.

The mention sticker is a popular method that can be customized easily. By typing the “@” symbol, users can easily tag people in stories and comments. The new Instagram features also allow users to tag people after posting their stories and posts, for increased convenience.

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How to Tag People on Your Instagram Story After You Post It – FAQs

1. Can I tag someone on an Instagram story after posting?


Yes, Instagram allows you to tag people on your story even after you’ve posted it. It’s a useful feature for those times when you may have forgotten to tag someone or want to add more tags later.

2. Can I edit my Instagram story after posting?


Unfortunately, once you’ve posted an Instagram story, you cannot directly edit it. However, you can delete your current story and make the necessary edits, and then re-upload it with the modifications. Keep in mind that this will reset the view count and delete any reactions or messages received on the original story.

3. How do you post a story about a post you’re tagged in?


When someone tags you in their post, you should receive a notification. Open the notification, and it will show an option to “Add this to your story.” By clicking “Add this to your story,” the post will be added to your Instagram story, complete with the original caption and user handle. You can resize, add stickers, or write on it before sharing it with your followers.

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