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Synonyms in SQL Server

The SYSNONYM is the alternative name or the alias name for the database objects so the same database object can be referred by different names without using the complex names that are defined before. The SYNONYM can be created for the tables, stored procedures, user-defined functions, or any database objects.

The SYNONYMS becomes invalid when:


CREATE SYNONYM [ schema_name_1. ] synonym_name FOR target_object

The object can be server_name. [ database_name ]. [ schema_name_2 ] .object_name or database_name. [ schema_name_2 ] .object_name or schema_name_2.object_name.

Usage of the SYNONYNM

Step 1: Create the database Geeksforgeeks by using the following SQL query



Step 2: Use the GFG Database.


USE GeeksforGeeks

Step 3: Create a table with the name courses which contains the course name course cost and the number of candidates enrolled in it.


CREATE TABLE CoursesActive(
courseName VARCHAR(100),
courseCost INT,
studentsEnrolled BIGINT

Step 4: Insert the rows into the table CoursesActive to perform some Operations


INSERT INTO CoursesActive
VALUES (1001, 'Data Structures And Algorithms', 4050, 20000000),
(1002, 'Java for Beginners',1215,100000),
(1003, 'Java Advanced',2435,200000),
(1004, 'DBMS',1620,3000000),
(1005, 'Operating Systems',1458, 200000),
(1006, 'Python', 2000, 1500000),
(1007, 'Machine Learning',5000,3000000),
(1008, 'Git and Github',500,1000000),
(1009, 'C++',1000,30000),
(1010, 'Data Science',5000, 378678);

Step 5: Check the table now


SELECT * FROM  CoursesActive

The Result Looks Like:

CourseActive Table

How to Create a Synonym for Table CoursesActive.


CREATE SYNONYM CoursesActiveSynonym 
FOR CoursesActive

SELECT * FROM CoursesActiveSynonym

The Result Looks Like:

CourseActiveSynonym Table

Explanation: In the result we can the rows in the synonym table ‘CoursesActiveSynonym‘ which has the same rows as the base table ‘CoursesActive‘.

How to Create a Synonym for Table Along with its schemaName.

Step 1: Create a database GeeksforGeeksSchool


CREATE DATABASE GeeksforgeeksSchool 

Step 2: Use the database


USE GeeksforgeeksSchool

Step 3: Create a schema ‘Courses’



Step 4: Create a table in the schema ‘CoursesActive’


CREATE TABLE Courses.CoursesActive (courseId INT PRIMARY KEY,
courseName VARCHAR(100),
courseCost INT,
studentsEnrolled BIGINT

Step 5: Insert rows into the table


INSERT INTO CoursesActive
VALUES (2001, 'Data Structures And Algorithms', 4050, 20000000),
(2002, 'Java for Beginners',1215,100000),
(2003, 'Java Advanced',2435,200000),
(2004, 'DBMS',1620,3000000);

Step 6: Create the Synonym schoolCourses for the table CoursesActive


CREATE SYNONYM schoolCourses
FOR GeeksforgeeksSchool.Courses.CoursesActive

Explanation: We have created a synonym for a table CoursesActive in the schema Courses in the Database GeeksforgeeksSchool with the name schoolCourses

Check the Synonym Table


SELECT * FROM schoolCourses

The Result Looks Like:


Explanation: In the result, we can see that the synonym also has the same information as the base table.

How to Updates the Base Table After Adding a Row


INSERT INTO schoolCourses
VALUES (2006,'Devops', 550, 20000000);

SELECT * FROM schoolCourses

SELECT * FROM Courses.CoursesActive

Explanation: We have inserted a row in the synonym table ‘schoolCourses‘ and checked if the change is reflected in the base table using the SELECT statement.

The Result Looks Like:

schoolCourses and CoursesActive Table

Explanation: In the result, the first table is the synonym and the second is the base table on inserting the row in the synonym table it got reflected in the base table as well we can see that there is no difference in both the tables.

How to Create a Synonym for a Stored Procedure in an SQL Server

Step 1: Create a stored procedure to find the most sold course.


CREATE PROCEDURE StoredProcedureForTheMostSellingSchoolCourse
SELECT TOP(1) courseName FROM Courses.CoursesActive ORDER BY studentsEnrolled DESC;

Explanation: In this query, we have created a stored procedure that gives the top 1st courseName from the table when it is got sorted by the number of studentsEnrolled in descending order.

Step 2: Checking the Stored Procedure.


EXEC StoredProcedureForTheMostSellingSchoolCourse

Explanation: We have executed the stored procedure.

The Result Looks Like:

Explanation: Here the best selling course is Data Structures and Algorithms so the result we have is through the stored procedure which takes the TOP 1 of the table by sorting on the studentsEnrolled column in Descending order.

Step 3: Create a synonym for the stored procedure and checking that it


CREATE SYNONYM mostSellingCourse
FOR StoredProcedureForTheMostSellingSchoolCourse

EXEC mostSellingCourse

Explanation: In the query, firstly we created the synonym ‘mostSellingCourse‘ for stored procedure ‘StoredProcedureForTheMostSellingSchoolCourse‘ and then we have executed it using the EXEC command.

The Result Looks Like:

After Creating Synonym

Explanation: In the above query new stored procedure synonym is created for StoredProcedureForTheMostSellingSchoolCourse and the new synonym is executed.

Deleting a Synonym

We can’t create a duplicate or ALTER the synonym, to alter the synonym the current synonym should be dropped and then it can be recreated.

Syntax for Deletion of a Synonym :

Query :

DROP SYNONYM IF EXISTS [schema_name].synonym_name

IF EXISTS can be used for the conditional dropping of the synonym.

How to DELETE a Synonym and Access it After the Deletion.



SELECT * FROM schoolCourses

Explanation: In the query, we are first checking if there exist a synonym ‘schoolCourses’, if it exist we are drop it using the drop statement, and using select statement we check if the synonym exists.

The Result Looks Like:

After Command run

Explanation: In this query, we have dropped the schoolCourses SYNONYM so we are unable to access the synonym after its deletion.

How to Check Already Existing Synonyms.

Method 1: Using the Query


SELECT  name, base_object_name, type
FROM sys. synonyms

Explanation: Using the select statement we are specifying the columns name, base_object_name,and type to display in the result.

The Result Looks Like:

Explanation: In the result we can see the name , base object name and the type of the synonym using this query

Method 2: Using the Object Explorer of the UI

On the Object Explorer, We have a Geeksforgeeks database in which GeeksforgeeksSchool Schema has a Synonyms folder where our all Created Synonyms are placed.

The Result Looks Like:

Object Explorer

Where to Use Synonyms

Advantages of Using Synonym


When the base table gets renamed the old synonyms get invalid and become dangling synonyms so whenever a renaming or new table is created then the respective synonyms should be made.


Synonyms in SQL Server act as a alias for the databbase objects and give straightforward naming convention. It allow developer to give simple or easy name to the database or tables for its simplicity. Overall, it make database more adaptable.

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