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sympy.stats.Gamma() function in Python

With the help of sympy.stats.Gamma() method, we can create a continuous random variable with a Gamma distribution. The density of the Gamma distribution is given by

with x in [0, 1].

Syntax:  sympy.stats.Gamma(name, k, theta)

 k: real number, k>0
 theta:  real number, theta>0

Returns: a continuous random variable with a Gamma distribution.

Example #1 :

# import sympy, Gamma, density, Symbol, pprint
from sympy.stats import Gamma, density
from sympy import Symbol, pprint
k = Symbol("k", positive = True)
theta = Symbol("theta", positive = True)
z = Symbol("z")
# using sympy.stats.Gamma() method
X = Gamma("x", k, theta)
gamVar = density((X)(z))


     -k  k - 1  theta
theta  *z     *e     

Example #2 :

# import sympy, Gamma, density, Symbol, pprint
from sympy.stats import Gamma, density
from sympy import Symbol, pprint
z = Symbol("z")
# using sympy.stats.Gamma() method
X = Gamma("x", 1 / 3, 45)
gamVar = density((X)(z))


   3 ____   45    
   \/ 75 *e       
15*z   *Gamma(1/3)

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