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Sympy stats.ContinuousRV() in Python

With the help of sympy.stats.ContinuousRV() method, we can get the continuous random variable which represents the Continuous Random Variable distribution.

Syntax : sympy.stats.ContinuousRV(symbol, density, set=Interval(- oo, oo))

Parameter :
1) Density – represents the probability density function.
2) set – represent the reason where density function is valid.

Return : Return the continuous random variable.

Example #1 :
In this example we can see that by using sympy.stats.ContinuousRV() method, we are able to get the continuous random variable representing Continuous Random Variable distribution by using this method.

# Import sympy and ContinuousRV
from sympy.stats import ContinuousRV, P, E
from sympy import Symbol, pprint, sqrt
z = Symbol("z")
pdf = sqrt(2)*z / pi
# Using sympy.stats.ContinuousRV() method
X = ContinuousRV(z, pdf)
gfg = density(X)

Output :

ContinuousDistributionHandmade(Lambda(z, Piecewise((sqrt(2)*z/pi, (z >= -oo) &
(z < oo)), (0, True))), Interval(-oo, oo))

Example #2 :

# Import sympy and ContinuousRV
from sympy.stats import ContinuousRV, P, E
from sympy import Symbol, pprint, sqrt
z = Symbol("z")
pdf = sqrt(2)*z / pi
# Using sympy.stats.ContinuousRV() method
X = ContinuousRV(z, pdf)

Output :


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