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sympy.log() method in Python

With the help of sympy.log() function, we can simplify the principal branch of the natural logarithm. Logarithms are taken with the natural base, e. To get a logarithm of a different base b, use log(x, y), which is essentially short-hand for log(x) / log(y). 

Syntax : sympy.log() 

Return : Return the simplified mathematical expression.  

Example #1 :  

# import sympy 
from sympy import *
# Use sympy.log() method 
gfg = log(16, 2)

Output :  


Example #2 : 

# import sympy 
from sympy import *
# Use sympy.log() method 
gfg = log(S(8) / 3, 2)

Output : 

- log(3)/log(2) + 3
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