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Swift – Keywords

Every programming language has some set of reserved words that are used for some internal process or represent some predefined actions such words are known as keywords or reserve words. You are not allowed to use these reserved words as a variable name, constant name, or any other identifier. But if you want to want to use keywords as identifiers then you have to use the backtick (`) before and after the specified keyword. For example, a struct is a keyword it is not an identifier but `struct` is a valid identifier. backtick does not work with identifiers like `a` and a both are the same. In Swift, keywords are categorized in four categories according to their usage:

Keywords used in the declaration

Following are the keywords used in the declaration:

associatedtype class deinit enum extension fileprivate func import
init inout internal let open operator private precedencegroup
protocol public rethrows static struct subscript typealias var


// Swift program to illustrate Keywords used in the declaration
import Swift
// Creating structure
// Using struct keyword
struct geeksforgeeks{
    // Creating variable
    // using var keyword
    var employeeName = "Mohit"
    var employeeID = 1234
// Creating the instance of geeksforgeeks structure
var myinstance = geeksforgeeks()
// Accessing the properties of geeksforgeeks structure
print("Employee Name:", myinstance.employeeName)
print("Employee ID:", myinstance.employeeID)


Employee Name: Mohit
Employee ID: 1234

Keywords used in statements

Following are the keywords used in the statement:

break case catch continue default defer
do else fallthrough for guard if
in repeat return throw switch where while


// Swift program to illustrate Keywords used in statements
import Swift
// Finding the age group
let EmpAge = 70
// Using if keyword for the condition
if (EmpAge >= 60)
    // Print statement
    print("Senior Citizen")
// Using else keyword for the condition
else if (EmpAge >= 40)
    // Print statement
    print("Middle age")
    // Print statement


Senior Citizen

Keywords used in expression and type

Following are the keywords used in the expression and type:

Any as catch false is
nil rethrows self Self super
throw throws true try


// Swift program to illustrate Keywords used in expression and type
import Swift
// Creating  a class
class GeeksforGeeks
    // Class method
    func EmployeName()
        print("Hello! My name is Govind")
// Creating another class
// It is the child class of GeeksforGeeks
class Gemployee : GeeksforGeeks
    // Overriding method
    override func EmployeName()
        // Here we are accessing the parent class method
        // Using super keyword
        print("I m working in the HR department")
// Creating the object of the child class
let obj = Gemployee()
// Accessing the method of child class


Hello! My name is Govind
I m working in the HR department

Keywords used in the specific context

In Swift language, some keywords are used in a specific context, and outside the context of the grammar, they are allowed to use as identifiers. Following are the keywords used in the specific context:

associativity convenience didSet dynamic final get indirect infix lazy
left mutating none nonmutating optional override postfix precedence prefix
Protocol required right set some Type unowned weak willSet


// Swift program to illustrate Keywords used in the specific context
import Swift
// Creating a structure
struct GeeksforGeeks
    // Creating variables
    var myval: String
    // Creating a function that will mutate
    // Using mutate keyword
    mutating func myfunction() {
        self.myval = "Mohit"
// Creating variable of GeeksforGeeks structure
var obj = GeeksforGeeks(myval: "Rohan")
// Calling the function



Keywords that begin with the number sign

Following are the keywords that begin with the number sign(#):

#available #colorLiteral #column #dsohandle #elseif #else #endif
#error #fileID #fileLiteral #filePath #file #function #if
#imageLiteral #keyPath #line #selector #sourceLocation #warning


// Swift program to illustrate Keywords that begin with the number sign
import Swift
// Creating a function
func GeeksforGeeks()
    // Here we use #function keyword to
    // display the name of the function
    print("I am the \(#function)")
// Calling the function


I am the GeeksforGeeks()

Keyword used in the patterns(_)

In Swift, underscore(_) keyword is used in patterns. Suppose you want to print a pattern 14 times then you can use this keyword.


// Swift program to illustrate keyword used in the patterns(_)
import Swift
// Printing GeeksforGeeks 14 time
// Using _keyword
for _ in 1...10 {



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