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SVG FEOffset.dx Property

The SVG FEOffset.dx property returns the SVGAnimatedNumber object corresponding to the dx component of the FEOffset.dx element.


var a = FEOffset.dx

Return value: This property returns the SVGAnimatedNumber object corresponding to the dx component of the FEOffset.dx element.

Example 1: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <svg width="400" height="400">
            <filter id="filter2" x="0" y="0" 
                width="150%" height="150%">
                <feOffset result="offOut" dx="30" 
                    dy="30" in="SourceGraphic" id="gfg" />
                <feBlend in="SourceGraphic" 
                    in2="blurOut" mode="normal" />
            <rect x="50" y="50" width="150" 
                height="150" stroke="black" 
                stroke-width="5" fill="gray"
                filter="url(#filter2)" />
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var g = document.getElementById("gfg");
            console.log("dx value is : ", g.dx.baseVal)


Example 2: 

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <svg width="400" height="400">
            <filter id="filter2" x="0" y="0" 
                width="150%" height="150%">
                <feOffset result="offOut" dx="30" 
                    dy="30" in="SourceGraphic" id="gfg" />
                <feGaussianBlur in1="blurOut" 
                    in="offOut" stdDeviation="10" />
                <feBlend in="SourceGraphic" 
                    in2="blurOut" mode="normal" />
            <rect x="50" y="50" width="150" 
                height="150" fill="gray" 
                filter="url(#filter2)" />
        <script type="text/javascript">
            var g = document.getElementById("gfg");
            console.log("dx value is : ", g.


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