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SVG <feConvolveMatrix> Element

SVG stands for Scalable Vector Graphic. It can be used to make graphics and animations like in HTML canvas. 

The <feConvolveMatrix> SVG filter primitive changes pixels in the input image with neighboring pixels to produce a resulting image.


<feConvolveMatrix in="" order="" kernelMatrix="" divisor="" 
    bias="" targetX="" targetY="" edgeMode="" kernelUnitLength=""
    preserveAlpha="" />


Example 1:

<!DOCTYPE html>
    <svg width="100%" height="220">
            <filter id="convolve">
                <feConvolveMatrix kernelMatrix=
                    "1 5 -1 -1 0 4 0 0 -1" />
        <rect x="40" y="40" width="100" 
            filter: url(#convolve) style=
                "stroke: #000000;
                fill: darkgreen;" />
        <g fill="#FFFFFF" stroke="black" 
            font-size="10" font-family="Verdana">
            <text x="50" y="90" 


Example 2:

<!DOCTYPE html>
<title>SVG Filter</title>
    <svg width="100%" height="220">
            <filter id="convolve">
                <feConvolveMatrix kernelMatrix
                ="-7 -10 -15 -10 10 -1 0 0 -1" />
        <rect x="1" y="1" width="198" 
            style="stroke: #000000; 
                    fill: none;
                    filter: url(#convolve);" />
        <circle cx="100" cy="60" r="55" 
            stroke="black" stroke-width="3" 
            filter: url(#convolve) />
        <g fill="#FFFFFF" stroke="black" 
            font-size="10" font-family="Verdana">
            <text x="60" y="62" filter="url(#convolve)">


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