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Summarize Multiple Columns of data.table by Group in R

In this article, we will discuss how to summarize multiple columns of data.table by Group in R Programming Language.

Creating table for demonstration:

# load data.table package
# create data table with 3 columns
# items
# weight and #cost
data <- data.table( items= c("chocos","milk","drinks","drinks",
                   weight= c(10,20,34,23,12,45,23,
                   cost=  c(120,345,567,324,112,345,
# display


We can summarize the multiple columns in 4 ways:

we can do this by using lapply() function

Syntax: datatable[, lapply(.SD, summarizing_function), by = column]


  • datatable is the input data table
  • lpply() is used to hold two parameters
  • first parameter is .SD is standard R object
  • second parameter is an summarizing function that takes summarizing functions to summarize the datatable
  • by is the name of the column in which data is grouped based on this column

Example 1: R program to summarize the data table by sum and mean value

# load data.table package
# create data table with 3 columns
# items
# weight and #cost
data <- data.table( items= c("chocos","milk","drinks","drinks",
                   weight= c(10,20,34,23,12,45,23,
                   cost=  c(120,345,567,324,112,345,
# group by sum with items column
print(data[, lapply(.SD, sum), by = items])
# group by average with items column
print(data[, lapply(.SD, mean), by = items])


Example 2: R program to summarize data table by minimum and maximum value

# load data.table package
# create data table with 3 columns
# items weight and #cost
data <- data.table( items= c("chocos","milk","drinks","drinks",
                   weight= c(10,20,34,23,12,45,23,
                   cost=  c(120,345,567,324,112,345,
# group by minimum  with items column
print(data[, lapply(.SD, min), by = items])
# group by maximum with items column
print(data[, lapply(.SD, max), by = items])


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