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Subsequences of given string consisting of non-repeating characters

Given a string str of length N, the task is to print all possible distinct subsequences of the string str which consists of non-repeating characters only.


Input: str = “abac” 
Output: a ab abc ac b ba bac bc c 
All possible distinct subsequences of the strings are { a, aa, aac, ab, aba, abac, abc, ac, b, ba, bac, bc, c } 
Therefore, the subsequences consisting non-repeating characters only are { a, ab, abc, ac, b, ba, bac, bc, c }

Input: str = “aaa” 
Output: a

Approach: The problem can be solved using Backtracking technique using the following recurrence relation:

FindSub(str, res, i) = { FindSub(str, res, i + 1), FindSub(str, res + str[i], i + 1) }
res = subsequence of the string 
i = index of a character in str 

Follow the steps below to solve the problem:

Below is the implementation of the above approach:

// C++ program to implement
// the above approach
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Function to find all the subsequences of
// the string with non-repeating characters
void FindSub(set<string>& sub, set<char>& ch, string str,
             string res, int i)
    // Base case
    if (i == str.length()) {
        // Insert current subsequence
    // If str[i] is not present
    // in the current subsequence
    if (!ch.count(str[i])) {
        // Insert str[i] into the set
        // Insert str[i] into the
        // current subsequence
        FindSub(sub, ch, str, res, i + 1);
        // Remove str[i] from
        // current subsequence
        // Remove str[i] from the set
    // Not including str[i] from
    // the current subsequence
    FindSub(sub, ch, str, res, i + 1);
// Utility function to print all subsequences
// of string with non-repeating characters
void printSubwithUniqueChar(string str, int N)
    // Stores all possible subsequences
    // with non-repeating characters
    set<string> sub;
    // Stores subsequence with
    // non-repeating characters
    set<char> ch;
    FindSub(sub, ch, str, "", 0);
    // Traverse all possible subsequences
    // containing non-repeating characters
    for (auto subString : sub) {
        // Print subsequence
        cout << subString << " ";
// Driver Code
int main()
    string str = "abac";
    int N = str.length();
    printSubwithUniqueChar(str, N);
    return 0;

// Javs program to implement
// the above approach
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
    // Function to find all the subsequences of
    // the string with non-repeating characters
    public static void FindSub(HashSet<String> sub,
                               HashSet<Character> ch,
                               String str, String res,
                               int i)
        // Base case
        if (i == str.length()) {
            // Insert current subsequence
        // If str[i] is not present
        // in the current subsequence
        if (!ch.contains(str.charAt(i))) {
            // Insert str[i] into the set
            // Insert str[i] into the
            // current subsequence
            FindSub(sub, ch, str, res + str.charAt(i),
                    i + 1);
            // Remove str[i] from the set
        // Not including str[i] from
        // the current subsequence
        FindSub(sub, ch, str, res, i + 1);
    // Utility function to print all subsequences
    // of string with non-repeating characters
    public static void printSubwithUniqueChar(String str,
                                              int N)
        // Stores all possible subsequences
        // with non-repeating characters
        HashSet<String> sub = new HashSet<>();
        // Stores subsequence with
        // non-repeating characters
        HashSet<Character> ch = new HashSet<>();
        FindSub(sub, ch, str, "", 0);
        // Traverse all possible subsequences
        // containing non-repeating characters
        for (String subString : sub) {
            // Print subsequence
            System.out.print(subString + " ");
    // Driver Code
    public static void main(String args[])
        String str = "abac";
        int N = str.length();
        printSubwithUniqueChar(str, N);

# Python 3 program to implement
# the above approach1
# Function to find all the subsequences of
# the string with non-repeating characters
def FindSub(sub, ch1, str1, res, i):
    # Base case
    if (i == len(str1)):
        # Insert current subsequence
    # If str1[i] is not present
    # in the current subsequence
    if (str1[i] not in ch1):
        # Insert str1[i] into the set
        # Insert str1[i] into the
        # current subsequence
        FindSub(sub, ch1, str1, res+str1[i], i + 1)
        res += str1[i]
        # Remove str1[i] from
        # current subsequence
        res = res[0:len(res) - 1]
        # Remove str1[i] from the set
    # Not including str1[i] from
    # the current subsequence
    FindSub(sub, ch1, str1, res, i + 1)
# Utility function to print all subsequences
# of string with non-repeating characters
def printSubwithUniquech1ar(str1, N):
    # Stores all possible subsequences
    # with non-repeating characters
    sub = set()
    # Stores subsequence with
    # non-repeating characters
    ch1 = set()
    FindSub(sub, ch1, str1, "", 0)
    # Traverse all possible subsequences
    # containing non-repeating characters
    temp = []
    for substring in sub:
    temp.sort(reverse = False)
    for x in temp:
      # Print subsequence
      print(x, end = " ")
# Driver Code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    str2 = "abac"
    N = len(str2)
    printSubwithUniquech1ar(str2, N)
    # This code is contributed by bgangwar59.

// C# program to implement
// the above approach
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
public class GFG
    // Function to find all the subsequences of
    // the string with non-repeating characters
    public static void FindSub(HashSet<String> sub,
                               HashSet<char> ch,
                               String str, String res,
                               int i)
        // Base case
        if (i == str.Length)
            // Insert current subsequence
        // If str[i] is not present
        // in the current subsequence
        if (!ch.Contains(str[i]))
            // Insert str[i] into the set
            // Insert str[i] into the
            // current subsequence
            FindSub(sub, ch, str, res + str[i],
                    i + 1);
            // Remove str[i] from the set
        // Not including str[i] from
        // the current subsequence
        FindSub(sub, ch, str, res, i + 1);
    // Utility function to print all subsequences
    // of string with non-repeating characters
    public static void printSubwithUniqueChar(String str,
                                              int N)
        // Stores all possible subsequences
        // with non-repeating characters
        HashSet<String> sub = new HashSet<String>();
        // Stores subsequence with
        // non-repeating characters
        HashSet<char> ch = new HashSet<char>();
        FindSub(sub, ch, str, "", 0);
        // Traverse all possible subsequences
        // containing non-repeating characters
        foreach (String subString in sub)
            // Print subsequence
            Console.Write(subString + " ");
    // Driver Code
    public static void Main(String []args)
        String str = "abac";
        int N = str.Length;
        printSubwithUniqueChar(str, N);
// This code contributed by shikhasingrajput

// JavaScript program to implement
// the above approach
// Stores all possible subsequences
// with non-repeating characters
var sub = new Set();
// Stores subsequence with
// non-repeating characters
var ch = new Set();
// Function to find all the subsequences of
// the string with non-repeating characters
function FindSub(str, res, i)
    // Base case
    if (i == str.length) {
        // Insert current subsequence
    // If str[i] is not present
    // in the current subsequence
    if (!ch.has(str[i])) {
        // Insert str[i] into the set
        // Insert str[i] into the
        // current subsequence
        FindSub(str, res, i + 1);
        // Remove str[i] from the set
    // Not including str[i] from
    // the current subsequence
    FindSub(str, res, i + 1);
// Utility function to print all subsequences
// of string with non-repeating characters
function printSubwithUniqueChar(str, N)
    FindSub(str, [], 0);
    var tmp = [...sub].sort();
    // Traverse all possible subsequences
    // containing non-repeating characters
    tmp.forEach(subString => {
        // Print subsequence
        document.write( subString + " ");
// Driver Code
var str = "abac";
var N = str.length;
printSubwithUniqueChar(str, N);

a ab abc ac b ba bac bc c


Time complexity: O(N * log(N) * 2N
Auxiliary Space O(N * 2N)

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