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Structure and Members of the Java Program

When we are writing any program in any language, we need to follow a standard structure for writing the program which is recommended by the language experts. A Java program may contain many classes of which only one class will have a main method. The class will contain data members and methods that operate on the data members of the class. 

To write a Java program, we first need to define classes and then put them together. Generally, a standard Java program consists of the following blocks as shown in the below figure.

Sample Java Program


In the following code, the constructor bird() prints a message. 

Constructor initialization

When we create the object of the bird class as shown above: 

bird b = new bird(); 

Here, the new keyword creates the object of class bird and invokes the constructor to initialize this newly created object. 
Constructor and method are different because the constructor is used to initialize the object of a class while the method is used to perform a task by implementing Java code. Constructors cannot be declared as abstract, final, static, and synchronized while methods can be declared. Constructors do not have return types while methods do. 

Types of Data Members 

Java Class is a collection of data members and functions. Any Java program may contain two types of data members.

Difference between Instance Data Members and Static Data Members:

Difference between Instance and Static Data Members

Types of Methods

In Java programs generally, we may define two types of methods apart from the constructor.

Difference between Instance Methods and Static Methods: 

Difference between Instance and Static Methods

The following example named demonstrates the use of different members of the Java class. 

// Java code to show structures and
// members of Java Program
public class classMember {

    // Static member
    static int staticNum = 0;

    // Instance member
    int instanceNum;

    /* below constructor increments the static
    number and initialize instance number */
    // Constructor method
    public classMember(int i)
        instanceNum = i;

    /* The show method display the value in the staticNum
     * and instanceNum */
    // instance method
    public void show()
            "Value of Static Number is:" + staticNum
            + "\nValue of Instance number is:"
            + instanceNum);

    // To find cube
    // Static method
    public static int cube()
        return staticNum * staticNum * staticNum;

    // Driver code
    public static void main(String args[])
        classMember gvp1 = new classMember(2);
            "Value after gvp1 object creation: ");;

        classMember gvp2 = new classMember(4);
            "Value after gvp2 object creation: ");;

        // static method can be accessed by class name
        int cub = classMember.cube();
        System.out.println("Cube of the Static number is: "
                           + cub);


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