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Storing a BLOB in a PostgreSQL Database using Python

This article focuses on, Storing BLOB in a PostgreSQL database.

Stepwise Implementation:

The below code is an example to store BLOB data in a PostgreSQL database. Where the table name is blob_datastore.

import psycopg2
from config import config
# This Function will open &
# convert the image or file data 
# to binary data.
def convert_To_Binary(filename):
    with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
        data =
    return data
def insert_BLOB(S_No, FileName):
    """ insert a BLOB into a table """
    conn = None
        # connect to the PostgreSQL server
        # & creating a cursor object
        conn = psycopg2.connect(**config)
        # Creating a cursor with name cur.
        cur = conn.cursor()
        # Binary Data
        file_data = convert_To_Binary(FileName)
        # BLOB DataType
        BLOB = psycopg2.Binary(file_data)
        # SQL query to insert data into the database.
            "INSERT INTO blob_datastore(s_no,file_name,blob_data)\
            VALUES(%s,%s,%s)", (S_No, FileName, BLOB))
        # Close the connection
    except(Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error:
        if conn is not None:
            # Commit the changes to the database
# Driver's Code
# Let's Run the insert_BLOB Function
insert_BLOB(1, 'newOcta.jpg')


Storing a BLOB in a PostgreSQL Database

Storing Different Types of Files(BLOB Datatype) 

Hence we have established a connection with the PostgreSQL database and stored different types of File’s in the PostgreSQL database. In this example, we will store a video file and a pdf in database.

import psycopg2
from config import config
conn = None
    # connect to the PostgreSQL server
    conn = psycopg2.connect(**config)
    # Creating a cursor with name cur.
    cur = conn.cursor()
    # SQL query to insert data into the database.
    # open('File,'rb').read() is used to read the file.
    # where open(File,'rb').read() will return
    # the binary data of the file.
    # psycopg2.Binary(File_in_Bytes) is used to
    # convert the binary data to a BLOB data type.
    BLOB_vdo = psycopg2.Binary(
        open('files\cartoon.mp4', 'rb').read())
    BLOB_pdf = psycopg2.Binary(
        open('files\BlobNotes.pdf', 'rb').read())
    cur.execute('INSERT INTO blob_datastore(s_no,file_name,\
    blob_data) VALUES (%s,%s,%s);',
                (1, 'cartoon.mp4', BLOB_vdo))
    cur.execute('INSERT INTO blob_datastore(s_no,file_name,\
    blob_data) VALUES (%s,%s,%s);',
                (2, 'BlobNotes.pdf', BLOB_pdf))
    # close the cursor
except(Exception, psycopg2.DatabaseError) as error:
    if conn is not None:
        # Commit the changes to the database


Storing a BLOB in a PostgreSQL Database

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