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std::is_convertible template in C++ with Examples

The std::is_convertible template of C++ STL is present in the <type_traits> header file. The std::is_convertible template of C++ STL is used to check whether any data type A is implicitly convertible to any data type B. It returns the boolean value either true or false.

Header File:


Template Class:

template< class From, class To >
struct is_convertible;

template< class From, class To >
struct is_nothrow_convertible;


is_convertible <A*, B*>::value;

Parameters: It takes two data type of A and B as:

Return Value:

Below is the program to demonstrate std::is_convertible in C++:


// C++ program to illustrate
// std::is_convertible example
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
#include <type_traits>
using namespace std;
// Given classes
class A {
class B : public A {
class C {
// Driver Code
int main()
    cout << boolalpha;
    // Check if class B is
    // convertible to A or not
    bool BtoA = is_convertible<B*, A*>::value;
    cout << BtoA << endl;
    // Check if class A is
    // convertible to B or not
    bool AtoB = is_convertible<A*, B*>::value;
    cout << AtoB << endl;
    // Check if class B is
    // convertible to C or not
    bool BtoC = is_convertible<B*, C*>::value;
    cout << BtoC << endl;
    // Check if int is convertible
    // to float or not
    cout << "int to float: "
         << is_convertible<int, float>::value
         << endl;
    // Check if int is convertible
    // to const int or not
    cout << "int to const int: "
         << is_convertible<int, const int>::value
         << endl;
    return 0;

int to float: true
int to const int: true


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