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Stative Verbs – Definition, Types and Examples

In English grammar, a stative verb is a member of the types of verbs that describe a state or situation rather than an action. When composing stories, we use stative verbs to indicate the passage of time. To review, a word is a component of speech that denotes the passage of time while also indicating an action, a state, or the simple truth that something happens.

What are Stative Verbs?

A sort of verb known as a stative verb is one that does not alter its condition or, to put it another way, that is steady. Stative verbs, which belong to one of the two categories of verbs used in English, do not typically function as action verbs and cannot be altered to use the progressive present. They are the antithesis of dynamic verbs, which are able to change their states as well as frequently characterize activities that have beginnings, middles, & endings. Stative verbs do not change their states.

Definition of a Stative Verb

The Cambridge Dictionary defines a stative verb as “a verb that describes a state and not an action.” “A verb describing a state rather than an activity, act, or event, such as know and want as opposed to leave and throw,” is what the Collins Dictionary defines as a stative verb.

Stative Verb Examples

 Types of Stative Verbs

In English, there are total types of stative verbs-

  1. Emotion- love, hope 
  2. Possession- have, contain
  3. Mental states- know, forget 
  4. Perception-  hear, taste
  5. Others- seem matter

Stative Verbs Vs. Linking Verbs

A word that expresses the condition that a subject is in but does not characterize the action that the subject is taking is called a stative verb. On the other hand, a connecting word serves the role of a connection between the subject as well as the subject supplement in a sentence.

Linking Verb

The term “subject supplement” refers to the phrase or collection of words that follow a connecting verb in a sentence and specifies the subject of the sentence. Either by naming it (by employing a word) or by explaining it, it rounds out the meaning of the subject (using an adjective).

Linking verb examples

Stative Verb

In English, a stative verb, also described as a state verb, is a specific kind of primary verb that conveys information about the subject’s current condition. It merely signifies what condition the subject is in and does not suggest that there is any kind of tangible or kinetic activity taking place.


Some verbs serve two purposes: they can identify the condition of the subject, and they can also connect the subject to its supplement. These verbs are known as “linking verbs.” Let’s take a look at the phrases that are capable of achieving that.


When to use Stative Verbs?

Aside from that, stative verbs adhere to the same other principles that are generally associated with verbs. For instance, you can use stative verbs in either the active or passive voice, and you can use them in all 12 of the different verb tenses. When expressing a subjunctive mood, you should use the form were rather than the more common form. Stative verbs adhere to these guidelines.

Some Verbs Can Be Stative and Dynamic

The fact that a verb can either be a stative or an action verb is something that is emphasized in a great number of grammatical references. Here are two more examples:

In the first sentence, it alludes to an action that the group carries out; the word “is thinking” functions as an action verb in the first statement. The second statement, on the other hand, merely demonstrates the thought process or mental condition of the speaker. In both sentences, the verb is the same, but one uses it as a stative verb, and the other uses it as a dynamic verb.

Commonly Used Stative Verbs List

Here are some of the most commonly used stative verbs you must know about-

 Examples of Stative Verbs Used in Sentences

Stative Verbs Exercise

1. I ___ English.

1. give
2. want
3. eat
4. love

2. She ___ all of us.

1. hates 
2. leave
3. fly
4. go

3. I ___that day.

1. need
2. remember 
3. unable
4. looking

4. We ___with you.

1. agree 
2. now
3. happy
4. like

5. People___money to survive.

1. want
2. love
3. need 
4. pay

6. My teacher ___ us to leave.

1. get
3. put
4. wants


1. Love 
2. Hates
3. Remember
4. Agree
5. Need
6. Wants

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A stative verb not only completes the sentence but also clarifies the context for readers or listeners. We hope that this brief guide will help you in acquiring the best knowledge and learn about the stative verb.

Stative Verbs- FAQs

What are Stative Verbs?

Stative adjectives are used to characterize circumstances or states. Examples include things like knowing, believing, and comprehending. These verbs are versatile enough to be used in both simple and perfect tenses, as well as various aspects. Nevertheless, you can’t use them in the continuous or progressive versions of the sentence. Because of this restriction, mastering stative verbs is a little bit more challenging, which means that exercise is required.

How to Use Stative Verbs?

If a word expresses a situation or circumstance rather than an action, then it is understood to be a stative verb. For instance, the word “enjoys” is used in the statement “Scott loves pepperoni pizza” to characterize Scott’s perception of the meal rather than to declare an action that he carried out.

Give some examples of Stative Verbs used in a sentence.

  • Brandy wants a new dining table.
  • Rohan thinks football is a really dangerous sport.
  • Everyone supports the new rule in the school.
  • I really want to win that dance show. 
  • He has a limousine for himself to go anywhere.
  • The famous writer is in Dallas right now.

What is the Difference between Stative Verbs and Linking Verbs?

You need to pay close attention to how each kind of verb is used in a statement in order to identify the difference between the two. Linking verbs serve the purpose of explanations, whereas action verbs inform you what someone (or something) is doing at any given moment.

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