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Stacked Bar chart in pygal

Pygal is a Python module that is mainly used to build SVG (Scalar Vector Graphics) graphs and charts. SVG is a vector-based graphics in the XML format that can be edited in any editor. Pygal can create graphs with minimal lines of code that can be easy to understand and write.

Stacked Bar Chart

This graph is similar to the bar chart but the only difference is that the values are stacked in it. It can be created using the StackedBar() method.


line_chart = pygal.StackedBar()

Example 1:

# importing pygal
import pygal
import numpy
# creating the chart object
bar_chart = pygal.StackedBar()
# naming the title
bar_chart.title = 'Stacked Bar Chart'        
# Random data
bar_chart.add('A', numpy.random.rand(10))
bar_chart.add('B', numpy.random.rand(10))
bar_chart.add('C', numpy.random.rand(10))
bar_chart.add('D', numpy.random.rand(10))


Example 2:

# importing pygal
import pygal
# creating the chart object
bar_chart = pygal.StackedBar()
# naming the title
bar_chart.title = 'Stacked Bar Chart'     
bar_chart.range = [0, 5000]
# Random data
bar_chart.add('A', 1000)
bar_chart.add('B', 2000)
bar_chart.add('C', 3500)


Example 3: Using Iris dataset

# importing pygal
import pygal
import pandas
# creating the chart object
bar_chart = pygal.StackedBar()
# naming the title
bar_chart.title = 'Stacked Bar chart'
df = pandas.read_csv('Iris.csv')
bar_chart.add("SepalLengthCm", df['SepalLengthCm'])
bar_chart.add("PetalLengthCm", df['PetalLengthCm'])


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