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Square Root of 7

Square Root of 7 is approximately 2.646. Since 7 is a prime number, its exact value cannot be expressed. When multiplied by itself, the square root of 7, i.e., 2.646, yields 7.001, nearly equal to 7. In this article, we will discuss all the methods for the calculation of the square of root 7.

Value of Square Root of 7

Value of Square Root of 7 is approximatly 2. 645 and is expressed as √7. Square Root of Root 7 when the number “2.645” is multiplied by the number itself, that gives the result of √7. Suppose, the number is 2.645 that multiplied twice “2.645 × 2.645” then we get the number 7. A square root of 7 can be represented as follows:

√7 = 2.645


(7)1/2 = 2.645

Read More about Square Root.

Square Root of 7 Calculator

How to Calculate Square Root of 7?

Some of the methods are given below to find out the square root of 7.

Square Root of 7 by Long Division Method

The long division method is used to find the square root of 7 because it is not a perfect square integer. So, let’s find out the value of √7 in the following steps that are given below;

Above steps can be represented as follows:

Read More about Square Root by Long Division.

Square Root 7 by Estimation Method

To get closer to the real value, we first estimate the square root of 7 using the estimation method. Some of the steps are given below;

Is Square Root of 7 Rational or Irrational?

The square root of 7 is an irrational number. Let’s assume it is in value of √7 that can be expressed in the form of a quotient or division of two integers, i.e. p/q, where q is not equal to 0. Therefore, √7  = 2.645751311064591 and due to its never-ending process after the decimal point that is why it’s an irrational number.


In conclusion, the square root of 7 is an irrational number that represents the length of one side of a square with an area of 7 square units and its value is approximatly 2.645. While it cannot be expressed as a simple fraction, its decimal representation goes on indefinitely without repeating.

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Square Root of 7: FAQs

What is the Square Root Value of 7?

The square root of 7 is approximately equals to 2.6457.

What is Square of 7?

The square of 7 can be written as 72 and is equals to 49.

What is the Symbol for Root?

Symbol for square root is √.

 Is 7 a Perfect Square?

No, 7 is not a perfect square as 7 is a prime number.

Why is the Square Root of 7 an Irrational Number?

The square root of 7 is irrational because it cannot be expressed as a simple fraction, and its decimal representation is non-repeating and non-terminating.

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