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Square Root of 40

Square Root 40 is 6.32456. Square Root of 40 is the which when multiplied by itself gives back 40 as the result. This means when 6.32456 is multiplied by 6.32456, the product is approximately equal to 40.

In this article, we will discuss what is the square of root 40, how to represent and how to find it using different methods.

What is the Square Root of 40?

Square Root of 40, is denoted as √40 and it’s equal to 6.3245. So, the original positive number is ‘6.3245’ multiplied by itself 6.3245 × 6.3245 then we get the number 40. Square Root of 40 is represented as follows:

Square Root of 40 Calculator

Try out the following calculator to find the square root of 40

How to Calculate a Square Root of 40?

Some of the methods are given below to find out the square root of 40.

Square Root of 40 by Long Division Method

To compute the square root of an integer using the long division method, the number’s root must be determined systematically. So, Let’s Calculate the square root of 40 by the long division method involves the following steps:

Therefore, the value of the square root of 40 approximately will be 6.324… so on.

Learn, Square Root of 40 using Long Division Method

Square Root 40 by Prime Factorization Method

Square root of 40 can be found easily using the following steps

So, the square root of 40 is 2√10 by using the prime factorization method.

Is Square Root of 40 Rational or Irrational?

Since the square root of 40 is 6.32456…. is a non-terminating and non-repeating number. We know that the decimal of an irrational number is non-terminating and non-repeating. Therefore, the square root of 40 is an irrational number.

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Square Root of 40 Value – FAQs

What is the Value of Square Root Value of 40?

The value of the square root of 40 is approximately equal to 6.3245.

What is Square of 40?

The square of 40 can be written as 402 and it can be calculated as 40 × 40 = 1600.

How do you Find the value of Root 40?

We can find the square root of 40 is find in two ways Long division method and prime factorization method.

What is the Square Root of 40 in Radical Form?

The square root of 40 in radical form is 2√10.

Is 40 a Perfect Square?

No, 40 is not a perfect square as its square root is not equal to an inetger

Is the Square Root of 40 a Rational Number?

No, the square root of 40 is not a rational number, because it cannot be expressed in the form of p/q.

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