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Speak the meaning of the word using Python

The following article shows how by the use of two modules named, pyttsx3 and PyDictionary, we can make our system say out the meaning of the word given as input. It is module which speak the meaning when we want to have the meaning of the particular word.

Modules needed

Both modules can be installed by using pip in the following way:

pip install PyDictionary
pip install pyttsx3  


As mentioned above, by the combination of two modules we will generate the functionality required and to do that the following steps were taken:

Below is the Implementation.

import pyttsx3
from PyDictionary import PyDictionary
class Speaking:
    def speak(self, audio):
        # Having the initial constructor of pyttsx3
        # and having the sapi5 in it as a parameter
        engine = pyttsx3.init('sapi5')
        # Calling the getter and setter of pyttsx3
        voices = engine.getProperty('voices')
        # Method for the speaking of the assistant
        engine.setProperty('voice', voices[0].id)
class GFG:
    def Dictionary(self):
        speak = Speaking()
        dic = PyDictionary()
        speak.speak("Which word do u want to find the meaning sir")
        # Taking the string input
        query = str(input())
        word = dic.meaning(query)
        for state in word:
            speak.speak("the meaning  is" + str(word[state]))
if __name__ == '__main__':


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