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Spatial Filters – Averaging filter and Median filter in Image Processing

Spatial Filtering technique is used directly on pixels of an image. Mask is usually considered to be added in size so that it has a specific center pixel. This mask is moved on the image such that the center of the mask traverses all image pixels.
In this article, we are going to cover the following topics – 


f(x-1, y-1) f(x-1, y) f(x-1, y+1)
f(x, y-1) f(x, y) f(x, y+1)
f(x+1, y-1) f(x+1, y) f(x+1, y+1)
1/9 1/9 1/9
1/9 1/9 1/9
1/9 1/9 1/9
-1/9 -1/9 -1/9
-1/9 8/9 -1/9
-1/9 -1/9 -1/9

Below is the implementation.

Input Image:  

Averaging Filter: 

# Low Pass SPatial Domain Filtering
# to observe the blurring effect
import cv2
import numpy as np
# Read the image
img = cv2.imread('sample.png', 0)
# Obtain number of rows and columns 
# of the image
m, n = img.shape
# Develop Averaging filter(3, 3) mask
mask = np.ones([3, 3], dtype = int)
mask = mask / 9
# Convolve the 3X3 mask over the image 
img_new = np.zeros([m, n])
for i in range(1, m-1):
    for j in range(1, n-1):
        temp = img[i-1, j-1]*mask[0, 0]+img[i-1, j]*mask[0, 1]+img[i-1, j + 1]*mask[0, 2]+img[i, j-1]*mask[1, 0]+ img[i, j]*mask[1, 1]+img[i, j + 1]*mask[1, 2]+img[i + 1, j-1]*mask[2, 0]+img[i + 1, j]*mask[2, 1]+img[i + 1, j + 1]*mask[2, 2]
        img_new[i, j]= temp
img_new = img_new.astype(np.uint8)
cv2.imwrite('blurred.tif', img_new)


In the above example, it is observed that the filtered image is slightly blurred. If we increase the size of the averaging mask, more blurring can be obtained. 

Median Filtering: 

# Median Spatial Domain Filtering
import cv2
import numpy as np
# Read the image
img_noisy1 = cv2.imread('sample.png', 0)
# Obtain the number of rows and columns 
# of the image
m, n = img_noisy1.shape
# Traverse the image. For every 3X3 area, 
# find the median of the pixels and
# replace the center pixel by the median
img_new1 = np.zeros([m, n])
for i in range(1, m-1):
    for j in range(1, n-1):
        temp = [img_noisy1[i-1, j-1],
               img_noisy1[i-1, j],
               img_noisy1[i-1, j + 1],
               img_noisy1[i, j-1],
               img_noisy1[i, j],
               img_noisy1[i, j + 1],
               img_noisy1[i + 1, j-1],
               img_noisy1[i + 1, j],
               img_noisy1[i + 1, j + 1]]
        temp = sorted(temp)
        img_new1[i, j]= temp[4]
img_new1 = img_new1.astype(np.uint8)
cv2.imwrite('new_median_filtered.png', img_new1)


In the above example, we can see that the median filtered image is considerably enhanced with hardly any salt and pepper noise in it.

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