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Software paradigm and Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)

Software paradigm refers to method and steps, which are taken while designing the software. Programming paradigm is a subset of software design paradigm which is future for other a subset of software development paradigm. Software is considered to be a collection of executable programming code, associated libraries, and documentation. Software development paradigm is also known as software engineering, all the engineering concepts pertaining to developments software applied. It consists of the following parts as Requirement Gathering, Software design, Programming, etc. The software design paradigm is a part of software development. It includes design, maintenance, programming. 

Software paradigm is a theoretical framework that serves as a guide for the development and structure of a software system. There are several software paradigms, including:

Imperative paradigm: This is the most common paradigm and is based on the idea that a program is a set of instructions that tell a computer what to do. It is often used in languages such as C and C++.

Software development life cycle (SDLC): SDLC is the acronym for software development life cycle. It is also called the software development process. All the tasks required for developing and maintaining software. It consists of a plan describing how to develop, maintain, replace and alter the specific software. It is a process for planning, creating, testing, and information system. It is a framework of describes the activity performed at each stage of software development. It is a process used by a system analyst to develop an information system including requirements, validation, training, and ownership. 

Benefits of software development life cycle:

  1. It allowed the highest level of management control.
  2. Everyone understands the cost and resources required.
  3. To improve the application quality and monitor the application.
  4. It performs at every stage of the software development life cycle.
  5. Better Communication: The software development life cycle provides a structured framework for communication between stakeholders, including developers, project managers, and end-users. This helps to ensure that everyone is on the same page and that requirements are clearly defined.
  6. Improved Time Management: The software development life cycle helps to improve time management by breaking down the development process into manageable stages. This allows developers to focus on one stage at a time and ensures that deadlines are met.
  7. Enhanced Collaboration: The software development life cycle encourages collaboration between developers, testers, and other stakeholders. This helps to ensure that everyone is working towards the same goal and that issues are identified and addressed early in the process.
  8. Better Risk Management: The software development life cycle helps to identify potential risks and issues early in the process, allowing them to be addressed before they become major problems. This helps to reduce the risk of project failure and ensures that the final product meets quality standards.
  9. Improved Testing: The software development life cycle includes multiple stages of testing, ensuring that the final product is thoroughly tested and meets quality standards. This helps to reduce the risk of bugs and errors, ensuring that the final product is stable and reliable.
  10. Increased Customer Satisfaction: The software development life cycle ensures that the final product meets customer requirements and expectations, leading to increased customer satisfaction. This can help to improve customer loyalty and increase revenue for the organization.

Different types of software development life cycle models:

There are various software development life cycle models. These models are referred to as the software development process models. The models defined and designed which followed during the software development process.

  1. Waterfall model: The waterfall model is easy to understand and simple to manage. The whole process of software development is divided into various phases. The step of requirements analysis, integration, maintenance.
  2. Iterative model: It is repetition incarnate. In short, it is breaking down the software development of large applications into smaller pieces.
  3. Spiral model: It helps the group to adopt elements of one or more process models. To develop strategies that solve uncertainty and risk.
  4. V-model: It is known as the verification and validation model. It is characterized by a corresponding testing phase for the development stage. V model joins by coding phase.
  5. Big Bang model: It focuses on all types of resources in software development and coding. Small project with smaller size development team which are working together.

Stages of SDLC model: 

Here, we will give you a brief overview of SDLC stages as follows.

Stage-1: Requirement gathering: The feasibility report is positive towards the project and next phase start with gathering requirement from the user. Engineer communicates with the client and end-users to know their Idea and which features they want to software to include.

Stage-2: Software design: It is a process to transform user requirements into a suitable form. It helps programmers in software coding. There is a need for more specific and detailed requirements in software. The output of the process can directly be used in implementation in a programming language. There are three design levels as follows.

  1. Architectural design – 
    It is the highest abstract version of the system. In a software system, many components interact with each other.
  2. High-level design – 
    It focuses on how the system along with all its components and its can be implemented in form of modules.
  3. Detailed design – 
    It defines the logical structure of each module and its interface to communicate with each module.

Stage-3: Developing Product –
In this phase of SDLC, you will see how the product will be developed. It is one of the crucial parts of SDLC, It is also called the Implementation phase. 

Stage-4: Product Testing and Integration –
In this phase, we will integrate the modules and will test the overall product by using different testing techniques.

Stage-5: Deployment and maintenance –
In this phase, the actual deployment of the product, or you can say the final product will be deployed, and also we will do maintenance of product for any future update and release of new features. 

Advantages of using a software paradigm:

Disadvantages of using a software paradigm:

Advantages of SDLC:

Disadvantages of SDLC:

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