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SimpleDateFormat setDateFormatSymbols() Method in Java with Examples

The setDateFormatSymbols() Method of SimpleDateFormat class is used to set the date and time format symbols of this date format.


public void setDateFormatSymbols(DateFormatSymbols newFormatSymbols)

Parameters: The method takes one parameter newFormatSymbols which refers to the new format symbols into which this Date format is to be set.

Return Value: The method returns void type.

Below programs illustrate the working of setDateFormatSymbols() Method of SimpleDateFormat:
Example 1:

// Java code to illustrate
// DateFormatSymbols() method
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
public class SimpleDateFormat_Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws InterruptedException, ParseException
        // Initializing SimpleDateFormat
        SimpleDateFormat SDFormat
            = new SimpleDateFormat();
        // Setting the DateFormatSymbols
        DateFormatSymbols DFSymbols
            = new DateFormatSymbols(
                new Locale("en",
        // Illustrating the set method
        // Displaying the formats
        Date date = new Date();
        String str_Date1 = SDFormat.format(date);
        System.out.println("The SimpleDateFormat: "
                           + (str_Date1));
        // Working of DFS
        String[] the_days
            = DFSymbols.getShortWeekdays();
        int i, j = 1;
        for (i = 1; i < the_days.length; i++) {
            System.out.print("Day" + j++ + " : "
                             + the_days[i] + "\n");

The SimpleDateFormat: 1/30/19 10:27 AM
Day1 : Sun
Day2 : Mon
Day3 : Tue
Day4 : Wed
Day5 : Thu
Day6 : Fri
Day7 : Sat

Example 2:

// Java code to illustrate
// DateFormatSymbols() method
import java.text.*;
import java.util.*;
public class SimpleDateFormat_Demo {
    public static void main(String[] args)
        throws InterruptedException, ParseException
        // Initializing SimpleDateFormat
        SimpleDateFormat SDFormat
            = new SimpleDateFormat();
        // Setting the DateFormatSymbols
        DateFormatSymbols DFSymbols
            = new DateFormatSymbols(
                new Locale("es",
        // Illustrating the set method
        // Displaying the formats
        Date date = new Date();
        String str_Date1 = SDFormat.format(date);
        System.out.println("The SimpleDateFormat: "
                           + (str_Date1));
        // Working of DFS
        String[] the_days
            = DFSymbols.getShortWeekdays();
        int i, j = 1;
        for (i = 1; i < the_days.length; i++) {
            System.out.print("Day" + j++ + " : "
                             + the_days[i] + "\n");

The SimpleDateFormat: 1/30/19 10:28 AM
Day1 : dom
Day2 : lun
Day3 : mar
Day4 : mi?
Day5 : jue
Day6 : vie
Day7 : s?b

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