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Simple and Concise Git Commands That Every Software Developer Should know

As developer git is the most useful arena which is not operated directly so do we have git commands that become very crucial that one should know after having git installed in the local system. if not you must download git from here Download Git. If you need any help with the further installation process.

So, Now let’s start with the basic commands and will advance to further complex commands that are frequently used. So, the first command you should run before running any command is that `git status`, it will tell either your folder is git folder or a non-git folder. If it tells git folder then it will also show untracked files or tracked files. Basically, we can say that the status of the folder. So everyone should run this command first.

Now, if your particular folder is not a git folder you should run  `git init `, it will set that folder as a git folder and the first time will show you untracked files. Now do must go through all the commands been listed up below along with actions performed by them which are as follows:

Now, we will move to see how we can easily use Github using Git commands – 

First, create an account on Github. Make a repository and then add ssh keys to GitHub. To generate an ssh key follow the commands:

How to push files and folders in the GitHub repository?

How can you clone anyone GitHub repository in your local system?

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