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Setting Up Flask Applications in Google Cloud Run

Flask is a popular and easy to use Python web framework that is lightweight and flexible. It lets programmers quickly and with minimal code construct web applications. Flask is simple to modify to match the requirements of different project types since it allows you to choose the tools and libraries you want. Despite its simplicity, Flask is scalable and suitable for small projects as well as large-scale applications. The flexibility and modular design offer seamless integration with a broad variety of plugins and extensions. Flask’s vibrant community provides developers with an abundance of tools and help, expediting development and debugging. For web development projects of all sizes, Flask is an excellent choice overall because of

Step-by-step to Deploy Flask Application in Google Cloud Run

Step 1: Create the repository. Here is my repository on my GitHub.

Step 2: We need to convert the code into the docker image and we need to push this into the repository. For your reference images is attached pushing the image into artifact repository.

# Use an official Python runtime as a parent image
FROM python:3.9-slim
# Set the working directory in the container
WORKDIR /usr/src/app
# Copy the current directory contents into the container at /usr/src/app
COPY . .
# Install any needed dependencies specified in requirements.txt
RUN pip install --no-cache-dir -r requirements.txt
# Make port 5000 available to the world outside this container
# Define environment variable
# Run when the container launches
CMD ["flask", "run", "--host="]

Step 3: Create the artifact repository into the google cloud here is the sample repository i have created.

Step 4: Here is the my image under the artifact repository.

Step 5: Enter into the cloudrun and click on create service later select the our image and arrange the configuration as per our requirements.

Step 6: Here is my sample configuration.

Step 7: After successful configuration click on deploy the image was successfully deployed on cloud run with the 5000 port. Refer the below image for logs.

Step 8: Here is the revision successfully created on the cloud run and click on the url and access the application.

Step 9: Here is the my sample flask application. Refer the below image.

Step 10: Delete the cloud run by clicking the delete and you can authorizes.


Creating a Docker image, publishing it to an artifact repository, and setting up a service on Cloud Run are the simple steps involved in deploying a Flask application on Google Cloud Run. Developers can leverage Cloud Run’s scalability and flexibility to easily deploy Flask apps by following the above step-by-step guide. Developers can concentrate on creating and refining their apps while leaving the deployment and scaling responsibilities to Google Cloud’s platform using Cloud Run’s managed infrastructure. All things considered, hosting web apps in a serverless environment may be done easily and effectively by deploying Flask applications on Cloud Run.

Flask Applications in Google Cloud Run – FAQs

How do I deploy an application to Google Cloud Run?

A Docker image of your application must first be containerized before it can be deployed to Google Cloud Run. The image is then deployed to Cloud Run with the service details and configurations specified, using the gcloud command-line tool or Google Cloud Console. By handling infrastructure and scaling automatically, Cloud Run streamlines deployment and frees up time for app development.

How do I host a python app on Google cloud?

Docker containerization is a prerequisite for hosting a Python application on Google Cloud. The container will then be deployed to Google Cloud Run or Kubernetes Engine (GKE), giving your Python application scalability and simplicity of management.

How do I automatically run a Flask app?

Using the method, you can configure the Flask application instance as the Python script’s entry point to launch a Flask app automatically. After that, run the script in a deployment environment where it is activated automatically or via a command-line interface to make sure the Flask application launches and fulfills requests automatically.

How do I run the Flask app directly?

A Flask app can be executed directly by navigating to the directory containing its code and using the flask run command to run its main Python file. With this command, you launch a local development server on your computer that hosts the Flask application and is by default available at http://localhost:5000. Before launching the application, make sure Flask and its dependencies are installed and the required environment variables are set up.

How do I set up a Python Flask app?

Install Flask using pip and write a Python script for your application before configuring a Flask application in Python. Define the routes and functionalities in the script, then use the flask run command to launch the application and make it available through a web browser.

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